Katie Truedson finds a route in Central atmosphere (IL)

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Katie Truedson finds a route in Central atmosphere (IL)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri May 08, 2009 1:20 pm

http://www.pioneerlocal.com/clarendonhi ... s1.article

Timeout: Truedson finds a route in Central atmosphere
May 5, 2009
Pat Richards loves the moments when young athletes realize they have the potential to excel in sports.

The Hinsdale Central girls track coach saw it in Katie Truedson's eyes three years ago when the now-senior discovered pole vaulting as a unique way to make a difference for her team as well as herself.

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"Katie is special," Richards said. "She didn't get into vaulting until after her freshman year, but she stepped up her training and practice habits, and now she's one of the best pole vaulters in the state. She comes out every day with that 'Rocky' look on her face, preparing for the big fight."

Truedson credits former Red Devils' standout Cassie Ludwig, now competing for Duke University, for turning her attention to vaulting.

"As a freshman I was too nervous to try vaulting, so I ran instead," Truedson said. "But I kept watching Cassie get better and better in vaulting through her work habits and concentration, and thought I'd like to try that."

That's when Katie Truedson's light bulb clicked on. She got better and better her first two pole-vaulting years, placing 13th in state last spring with a 10-foot, 6-inch effort. She's at 11 feet this year, making a top-five state pole-vault finish not improbable in two weeks after Central's 18-team sectional May 15.

Vaulting seemed impossible for Truedson at first.

"Planting the pole and bending it to get up was the toughest part," she said.

And now?

"Being parallel to the pole going over the bar, then inverting the body to land on my back," Truedson said. "It's all about body control."

Giving Truedson support besides parents Tom and Patti Truedson are junior pole-vaulting teammate Jessie Vardas, and volunteer coaches Dave Knecht and James Conyers.

"Katie's in her best form right now and Jessie is right there," said Knecht, who holds Central's boys record of 15-4. " Katie's taller and Jessie is a little dynamo, a real pistol. They get the job done their own ways."

Truedson appreciates Vardas. "We push each other," she said.

A four-year pom dance squad member, Truedson can laugh at herself.

"For our frosh-soph routines, we used color poms, one red and one white," she wrote in her Souviner Football Program bio. "The red pom was always supposed to go in the right hand. Everyone knew that but me. I performed two dances with poms in the wrong hands before someone told me. I'm glad the varsity poms are all the same color."

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