2nd Annual Chanute Street Vault, KS 5/31/08

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I'm in Charge
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2nd Annual Chanute Street Vault, KS 5/31/08

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu May 15, 2008 12:14 pm


2nd Annual Chanute Street Vault
"Bring It"
Event Info
Casey Finley/Jeff Williams
Sports - Sporting Event
Time and Place
Saturday, May 31, 2008
8:00am - 6:00pm
Chanute KS
Main St.
Chanute, KS

View Map
Contact Info
Hey everyone, this will be the 2nd year we are having a street vault downtown Chanute. Last year was a good turnout and the conditions were perfect! We are hoping to have more people and bigger heights this year. Fast boxes, olympic size pit, perfect for going HUGE!

The runway will be setup right down the middle of Main Street Chanute. It will be one of the main events of the "Chanute Block Party" which is a fund raiser to help out families in the area. The Block Pary will also include a motorcycle show, food vendors and other events.

The high school vault will begin at 8 a.m. and the college and open vault will begin approximately noon or immediately following the high school. Since we won't know the number of competitors till the day of the event the college vault may start later.

Entry fees will be $10 or $15 if you would like a t-shirt.

We try to run the competition in a real laid back fun environment for the spectators and athletes. Come out for a fun day of jumping that supports a good cause. Hope to see you all there!

Casey Finley is the owner of The Launching Pad a tumbling/trampoline gym located in Chanute and any questions or concerns can be directed towards him, or Jeff Williams who is the vault coach at Chanute High School.

Casey Finley-(620) 757-5321
Jeff Williams-(620) 433-1918

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I'm in Charge
Posts: 30435
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:59 pm
Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Re: 2nd Annual Chanute Street Vault, KS 5/31/08

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:08 pm

Anyone know if this event is happening this year?

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Re: 2nd Annual Chanute Street Vault, KS 5/31/08

Unread postby firstand10 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:59 am

I talked to Jeff Williams and his son-in-law. They told me they were working on it, but they thought it would be in June this year.

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Re: 2nd Annual Chanute Street Vault, KS 5/31/08

Unread postby jvaulter » Thu May 28, 2009 12:40 am

I just heard today that this meet was cancelled. If someone else heard otherwise, let me know...

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