Jumping Your Age

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need your progression to post any sucking remarks!

Unread postby ~jj~ » Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:49 pm

OU-fly boy. Please grace us with your PR progression.
Then give us your opinions.
We like to know who were talking to in this section.
Rest assured, however, I'm not much of a Longhorn fan either.

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Unread postby Erica » Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:05 am

Obviously I am an Aggie fan. The main reason why is because I got my undergraduate degree from aTm and I am now working on my masters. I really have no choice... However, I am not afraid to say some of the things that happen here are a little strange...

As for my husband Coach Bartolina, he's taking the whole Aggieland experience a little hard. It seems like he just can't quite get a grasp on it. I guess I just have to take him to a football game where we score a lot, then he might be able to find a tradition that he's down with. ;)

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standing at football games

Unread postby ~jj~ » Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:19 am

Do they really stand the entire game in Aggie-land?
What about the Ducks? Seems like you might have some empathy for them, and they have had some recent success. Problem Ducks have is they swim and fly good, but they are so slow afoot.

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Re: standing at football games

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Oct 07, 2003 12:03 pm

~jj~ wrote:Do they really stand the entire game in Aggie-land?
What about the Ducks? Seems like you might have some empathy for them, and they have had some recent success. Problem Ducks have is they swim and fly good, but they are so slow afoot.

The students usually stand the whole game at the games I have been at at Florida and Georgia. We :heart: football :star:

And I think the Ducks now have some of the ugliest uniforms I have ever seen!! :eek:

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Re: standing at football games

Unread postby vaultguru6 » Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:21 pm

~jj~ wrote:Do they really stand the entire game in Aggie-land?
What about the Ducks? Seems like you might have some empathy for them, and they have had some recent success. Problem Ducks have is they swim and fly good, but they are so slow afoot.

It's called "Track Town USA", not "Football Town USA" for a reason. Although spending 3.2 million to build the most ridiculous football locker room you have ever seen makes you think otherwise. The football players are spending all their time playing x box on the THREE $15,000 40" plasma flat screens rather than practicing (thats my theory anyway). Oh well, if they keep losing an we keep winning maybe we'll get the next multi-million dollar locker room? Yea right.

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Unread postby Erica » Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:42 pm

Yes, we really stand through the WHOLE game! except when the opposing team's band plays at halftime. If you need a break from standing, you go under the stands. You'll get harrassed if you sit, not to mention you cant see.

I am much more of a Duck fan than I was several years ago. I lived just outside Corvallis, so I grew up a OSU Beavers fan. Now I figure either team from Oregon gets my support.

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mike anderson

Unread postby ~jj~ » Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:45 pm

Would they still stand if I could get yaaaaall a good deal for Mike Price?
What about the big bon-fire thing? I heard that might be coming back soon?

With all the football talk currently on this page, it remineds me that Mike Anderson (LSU All American- middle line backer) was a 14'6 HS pole vaulter. He stood about 6'2 and weighted about 230. By the way, he jumped in the early 60's on to sawdust about half the time.
I'm not certian if its still open, but he had a great seafood resturant in Baton Rouge. Probably Dup, or one of the LSU boys would know?
Another little know fact: Jerry Cash my team-mate at Alabama (14'6) played for coach Bryant and later set the age group record for 45 (I think) indoors at 15'9". Our standing joke was - he jumped a lot better after he got away from me, and took 20 years off!
Did Larry Jesse play football at UTEP? :dazed:

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Unread postby Barto » Tue Oct 07, 2003 7:27 pm

Mike Anderson's is my FAVORITE restaurant in Baton Rouge. Still going strong.


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Re: duplantis

Unread postby mrose » Wed Feb 11, 2004 8:49 pm

~jj~ wrote:Lets see,
Duplantis must have jumped his age:
15'? as a frosh
16'? as a soph
17' as a junior
17'11 as a senior
Plus keep in mind he was only 5'6 or 7.
Blazing fast, with large balls and lots of skill.

I saw dup jump 14 ft in 8th grade, befor ehe was 14 yrs old!



Of course i have

Unread postby xtremevaulter » Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:16 am

I went 19 feet three days ago. it was freakin tight. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Unread postby vaultin chris » Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:17 am

21 years = 21 feet. I got alot of work to do
Chris Smith

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Unread postby opalkak » Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:49 am

lets see...
17~16'6" so close :yes:
18'~17'1" not getting closer
19'~17'2.75" doh
20~17'5.75" doh
21~17'9.5" boo-urns
and currently at 22 ~17'10.5"

I'm about to start jumping my age though...no really I am I searious by the time I'm 23 I'll do it :D

I was close once, and maybe again some day.
...success is doing what you can do well and doing well whatever you can do

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