Jumping Your Age

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Re: Is Aggieville east TX?

Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Sun Oct 05, 2003 10:34 pm

~jj~ wrote:I am so sorry. In an earlier posting, I may have refered to Aggieland as in 'East Texas'. I would hereby like to assure our readership that although it appears to be in the Eastern portion of Texas, it is actually nearer to Conroe. The home of Dave Roberts.
~jan johnson~

I smell a small wager coming regarding the Horns and A&M.
Points anyone?

Aggieland doesn't spread to much toward the Conroe area....i live in The Woodlands, TX in the same county as Conroe, and there are alot of Texas fans here. Texas beat Sooners!

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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:15 am

Jan you are a true Blue Jayhawk I know I saw your Picture on the wall of fame. I even heard some good ol storyies about you and KU.

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divorces... and raising hell

Unread postby ~jj~ » Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:44 am

True, Kansas was my first stop, after growing up in Chicago. But I had too much trouble with the Timmy. So we had to get a divorce. I transferd to Alabama and the rest is H I S T O R Y.
I loved KU. We were national Champs, I set the one time world indoor record, awsome people: Jim Ryun, Karl Salb, Stan Whitley, et al. One day when I write my book, I will go into my departure with great detail. It was 1970, Kent state and the Vietnam war protests polarized America, and we all did what we had to do. I was young and stupid. I learned a great lesson. But it hurt a lot.
Years later Timmy and I worked it out. But at the time it broke my heart to have to leave KU.
Soooo, I'm in the K.U. Hall of Fame, but my hearts in Dixie, and my body is in Cali.

Steve Subblefield must have jumped his age! (17'5 former national HS record)
Jeff Buckingham?
George Buckingham?
David Pickett?
Cam Miller?

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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:57 pm

Two of our South Carolina and Carolina Extreme vaulters have jumped their age the past few years.

Chase Shealy has jumped his age the past three years and hoping for more. 15' 1" at 15, 16' 7" at 16, and 17' 1" at 17 years old.

Mitch Greeley jumped 15' 6" at 15 yrs. He didn't quite get 16' at 16.
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jumping high young

Unread postby ~jj~ » Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:10 pm

Lets see! Others who probably did:
Bret Burns Acalanes HS, in the bay area:
16'2 as a soph
17' as a junior
17'7 as a senior
I saw him once in college run a windy 13.9 at the Fresno Relays vs some of the best college hurdles in Cali.

Or how about this years California state meet were a frosh won at 16'

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Re: jumping high young

Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:50 pm

~jj~ wrote:Or how about this years California state meet were a frosh won at 16'

How old was he when he jumped that? Anybody know? 15? 16?
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hey rusty

Unread postby ~jj~ » Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:15 pm

Hey Hoss!
Where was that photo taken of you on the surf board?
I'm thinking it was RonJons in Coco Beach?

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Re: hey rusty

Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:46 pm

~jj~ wrote:Hey Hoss!
Where was that photo taken of you on the surf board?
I'm thinking it was RonJons in Coco Beach?

Universal Studio's in Orlando. We were there for the Golden South Classic in 2002 and stayed over for some family fun.

For the record, Mark Johnson, Coastal Carolina Univ. pole vaulter, can surf on his hands. You might remember Mark from your camp at Univ. Central Florida. He has the true double leg swing. Dives up and into his takeoff. It freaks people out the first time they see it. An awesome vaulter though. Had some good attempts around 17' this year.
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Unread postby ~jj~ » Mon Oct 06, 2003 5:13 pm

Yea! That was fun! We all went to coco that one afternoon- it was head high, and really good.
Mark has a very interesting take-off, and his dad is a great guy and surfer.

Two more important people who jumped high in HS:
Bob Stienhoff 16' in HS 1965, and Paul Wilson, the first HSer to vault 16' in 1964, (as a junior), then 16'63/4" in 1965 as a senior. Both at Warren HS in Downey, Ca near Los Angeles. Both coached by my college coach Mr John Mitchell who later coached at Kansas, then Alabama, then Georgia.
Paul Later set the world record in 1967 at 17'7, he was team-mates with Bob Seagren at USC. Hurt his hamstring real bad and never jumped again after 1968.

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Unread postby russvault » Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:06 pm

We all know that LSU is undefeated this year and will be palying in the sugar bowl, right Barto??????? Oh yeah and Mcneese is also ranked no 1 in I-AA. Barto are you a A&M Fan now???

I know Jan is still an LSU fan????

I jumped my age at 17' senior high 17'
lsu 18, jumped 18'4 1/2
lsu 19 18'6 1/2
lsu 20 jumped 19' 1/4 just missed my age because my b-day is sept and jumped this indoors usa's
later russ

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:21 pm

russvault wrote:We all know that LSU is undefeated this year and will be palying in the sugar bowl, right Barto??????? Oh yeah and Mcneese is also ranked no 1 in I-AA. Barto are you a A&M Fan now???

I predict they play Georgia in the SEC game, and we will have our revenge!! :mad: :P

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Unread postby OUvaulterUSAF » Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:00 pm

I have two words:

texas Sucks!

I have never jumped my age...just getting into the spirited football discussion b/c ever sane person knows that OU will take home a national title this year. So this Saturday please watch as they beat texas at the cotton bowl. Carry on.
Last edited by OUvaulterUSAF on Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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