The Role of the Top Arm

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Should the top arm 'sweep' forward during the vault?

Not at all.
A little bit.
As much as possible.
Sort of, but not really.
Total votes: 14

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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby KirkB » Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:49 pm

PP, you are right ... you are digging yourself into a hole!

Here's why ...
powerplant42 wrote: KB: I appreciate your advice, but here it is just about the top arm.

Yes, I know the topic. And I assure you that I'm 100% on topic. Until you learn to SWING properly on the bar, you are in no position to expirement with your "sweep" theory and demo it PROPERLY.

As RB says, you need to learn the basics first (ten times over!), THEN talk about what you've learned. You're not there yet. In fact, you have a long way to go. You must walk before you run. Trust me when I say that if you try my expirements, only then will you BEGIN to START realizing what the role of the top arm is! :yes:

powerplant42 wrote: This thread is not about me! (PM/e-mail me...)

That's right, it's not about you. If you recall, I said ...
These suggestions are not just for PP. If anyone else ...

You created this thread, you raised the question about the top arm, and you volunteered to be the guinea pig and videotape yourself in your quest to answer it. That's all fine. I'm trying to help you answer it. I will not PM/email you, because my advice is not just for you alone. It will lead you (and the rest of us) to the answer to the topic of the thread.

powerplant42 wrote: I will try the experiments you mentioned and post the results in the 'swing' thread if it ever becomes unlocked.

So you not only tell me that I'm off topic (when you have no idea what you're doing on the highbar), but now you're insulting RG too, complaining that the 'swing' thread is locked? Have you read HTWF yet? :idea:

Why do I already know that you'll insist that you did not intend to insult RG? The word "ever" is a loaded word. Read HTWF. [sigh]

Relax, PP. She locked it for a reason. It's dead now. Create a new one if you like. Could this be the kind of behavior that turns coaches off when you try to 'talk technical' with them? :no:

I'm annoyed that you think my expirements are off topic, yet you have no idea how to swing properly on a highbar. Try my expirements (10 times over!) and then after you've discovered how to swing properly we can discuss some details pertaining to the role of the top arm. [sigh]

powerplant42 wrote: Did anyone notice ... if you 'sweep'/'row' ... pre-stretch ... COM ... chord ... 6.40 model ... inverted instantaneously ... top arm work ... I will not go further, because I might have already dug myself a hole!

Like I said, you're getting way ahead of yourself. You are chock full of buzzwords, but not making much sense. You have yet to learn how to kip without muscling up, yet you want to fast-forward and talk about the 6.40 model - a model that's so far just a theory on how a world-class athlete MIGHT break the mWR (i.e. unproven)? :confused:

Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. It's perfectly alright (great, actually) for Agapit to postulate the 6.40 model in the Advanced Technique forum. But it's DUBIOUS for you to try to figure out 6.40 before you learn highbar basics, and learn "pure Petrov" enough to get you a few feet higher.

Why do I already know that you're going to try to debate this point with me ... [sigh]

If I were you, I would stick to "pure Petrov" and BTB2. You can't go wrong with that. At least until Agapit is available to guide you thru some of your 6.40 questions. Why try to run before you learn to walk? If you're trying to skip steps and go direct from being a Beginner to being an Elite, IT WON'T WORK! You still have a couple years ahead of you to close that gap!

Can you not see your disconnect here? Tough :heart:.

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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby powerplant42 » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:45 pm

I would have made comments, yes...

But I will swallow my pride. :yes:

More videos soon.
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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby golfdane » Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:22 am

Steve Hooker workout: ... er-workout

Check the comments to the drill where he's upside down (about 4 minutes into the video).

Muscling his way to inversion, adding power to the swing or what? Sounds very much like the lat pull Agapit mentioned.

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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby KirkB » Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:41 am

powerplant42 wrote: ... More videos soon.

Hey PP, I'm looking forwards to those vids!

Let's break this down and figure this out! Let's get cracking! :yes:

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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby golfdane » Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:42 pm

Very informative on the "lat pull": ... reno&hl=en

Look at the high bar drills.
I can see, that my boys lack a LOT in flexibility :D

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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:56 pm

I did not hear anything about the lat pull in the gymnastics video.

The drill the Hooker does is for strengthening the work of the top arm (and accompanying system). However, the MOVEMENT of the top arm FORWARD should only occur during the redirection of the energy from the swing... If a concentric motion with the upper anterior system is 'forced' or 'muscled' before then, the vaulter-pole system will collapse.
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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby KirkB » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:59 am

PP, your comments are quite accurate. Now you just need to prove that "theory" by experiencing it on the highbar (or on the hanging ankle brace apparatus). :yes:

If I had ankle braces like Hooker back in my day, I would have done more of an upside-down swinging drill, starting with light weights (and perhaps not ever going too heavy). I would have turned it more into a gymnastic drill, swinging backwards (upside down) so that my back was arched - with weights hanging directly below me - then swinging forwards, so that the momentum of the swing brought the weights up to about waist-high. But also bringing the shoulders up with the weight. i.e. Not just excercising the arms.

Really, I'm talking about an upside-down hinge/whip drill. The weights are just an added bonus - to vary the load according to your strength and technique. You have to be very careful not to overstress your back by hyperextension or by simply too much weight in the inverted position.

This all jibes with the statements in your post above. You're on the right track! Now show us your highbar vids! :yes:

And by the way, all of this - including mention of the Hooker hanging weight drill - is very much related to the topic of this thread!

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Re: The Role of the Top Arm

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:10 pm

What did everyone think of the sliding high bar apparatus/drill? Do you think the athletes 'swept' to move it forward? :idea:
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