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This is a forum to discuss advanced pole vaulting techniques. If you are in high school you should probably not be posting or replying to topics here, but do read and learn.
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Unread postby altius » Sat May 03, 2008 8:18 pm

If you cant get to Slippery Rock, volteur - i suggest you get a copy of BTB2 from Steve Rippon the British coach. All the issues you are interested in are dealt with there. Incidentally where in Europe? ;)
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Unread postby volteur » Sun May 04, 2008 1:44 am

yes I know Steve quite well and in fact i know Jumping Jimmy Miller who jumped 5.75 under Steve and Burgess jumped like 5.65 under Steve still as a junior or just out of juniors. I really wish you would engage in the debate instead of constantly promoting your book. I really don't know how you can justify coming across as such a know it all. Bewildering especially since you are actually avoiding putting yourself and your knowledge on the line. A couple of 5.40 to 5.50 vaulters do not make a guru coach Alan. Please stop patronising me as well.

I haven't taken much offense so don't worry



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Unread postby altius » Sun May 04, 2008 9:46 am

I would have thought producing a 300 page book could be seen by some as 'putting you knowledge on the line". I also 'engaged in the debate' in that book and, if you were to check back through PVP, you will find that some of the 800 plus posts i have made also did just that. I am now rewriting my first book - not on pole vaulting let me add - so I don't have time to go over the same debates again.

However I would point out that - whether you agree with what is in BTB or not, it is out there for all to read -and it will be there for a long time to come. I cannot now change my position or restate it. On the other hand, as I have indicated previously - it is very easy to put up opinions on PVP because in a couple of weeks they will have sunk to the bottom of the pile - whatever their merit may - or may not - have been. That is the great advantage of the system, but it is easily abused.

Finally if you will check with anyone who knows me including Steve, you will find that I have only ever claimed to be a good teacher of the event and a coach of juniors - I leave guru status to Petrov, Parnov and Botcharnikov with Steve making rapid strides to get there. Enjoy.
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Unread postby powerplant42 » Sun May 04, 2008 10:43 am


1. a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher
2. each of the first ten leaders of the Sikh religion
3. a recognized leader in some field or of some movement; "a guru of genomics"

Now I don't know about those first two, I don't know altius that well ;) , but I can assure you that number 3 applies...
"I run and jump, and then it's arrrrrgh!" -Bubka

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Sun May 04, 2008 2:25 pm

US world juniors has taken a 17'2"+ or about 5.34 the past two years. There are some really impressive jumpers out of high school over here lol. But thanks.
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Unread postby volteur » Sun May 04, 2008 3:26 pm

Ho Altius

first up i want to apologise for going too far. You probably know as well as any that credentials are not reflective of the quality of a man. You may not have coached that 6m man but you've done a massive amount for athletics in Australia from what i've been told. Basically started pole vault off in any serious sense, before any assistance or remuneration was available to boot.

I guess i'm more of a student of athletics and part of my way of learning is to challenge and then respond to the return challenges. My style is quite interactive like that. Also i've been on letsrun lately and it is far more adversarial than here for sure. I'll tone things down a bit!

ps what would Arkell have jumped if he stayed in oz with you?

cheers and good hunting


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Unread postby volteur » Sun May 04, 2008 3:53 pm

vault3rb0y wrote:US world juniors has taken a 17'2"+ or about 5.34 the past two years. There are some really impressive jumpers out of high school over here lol. But thanks.

Good luck, it is World Juniors this year so i guess your trials are similar to over here, June late June?


ps nice work

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Sun May 04, 2008 8:00 pm

I dont have plans to go to world juniors this year. The title i won was under Nike Indoor Nationals, so i am going to Nike Outdoor Nationals with the rest of my club to jump. With the way i have been jumping so far in outdoor there no reason to try to qualify anyway! :crying: ;)
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Unread postby altius » Sun May 04, 2008 8:34 pm

"ps what would Arkell have jumped if he stayed in oz with you?" Go to the international section and view the post on Simon - that will give you some idea of my contribution to his development, But in essence I said - as i have stated in both copies of BTB -that danged book again -that if he had had a better coach when he was taught to vault he would have been a 6.00m vaulter. But he was born too early and came before I had my epiphany with Petrov and Bubka.

Thanks for the support powerplant42 - with good thoughts like that floating about in the ether perhaps I will be reincarnated with guru status. :heart: :yes:
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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Unread postby volteur » Mon May 05, 2008 5:14 am

vault3rb0y wrote:I dont have plans to go to world juniors this year. The title i won was under Nike Indoor Nationals, so i am going to Nike Outdoor Nationals with the rest of my club to jump. With the way i have been jumping so far in outdoor there no reason to try to qualify anyway! :crying: ;)

Keep persisting. World Junior qualifyings tend to be around 5 meters. What is the US standard and does anyone know the Aussie standard and whether anyone has qualified?


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Unread postby volteur » Mon May 05, 2008 5:31 am

altius wrote:"ps what would Arkell have jumped if he stayed in oz with you?" Go to the international section and view the post on Simon - that will give you some idea of my contribution to his development, But in essence I said - as i have stated in both copies of BTB -that danged book again -that if he had had a better coach when he was taught to vault he would have been a 6.00m vaulter. But he was born too early and came before I had my epiphany with Petrov and Bubka.

Thanks for the support powerplant42 - with good thoughts like that floating about in the ether perhaps I will be reincarnated with guru status. :heart: :yes:

I'm just about to get a copy of your book so i'll be able to look up all of the references you've made :)

I too find it really difficult for an athlete to change the way they initially did things. As my own coaching is developing i find things i taught last year have become modified, so my instruction tends to differ from what i used to deliver and my athletes do notice this.

I'll start researching and get back to you.


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Unread postby agapit » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:14 am

volteur wrote:I'm just about to get a copy of your book so i'll be able to look up all of the references you've made :)


I am not blowing smoke here. I must tell you that the book is excellent. It is by far the best book on pole vault to date.

P.S. Actually I am looking forward to discussing chapters from the book. I think we should start a topic on that. When you get yours make a move.
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