perfect polevaulter

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Unread postby RoySloppy » Tue Aug 05, 2003 5:45 pm

Exactly Kyle!! it has been said on this board that bubka was not the most efficient but has jumped the highest. well what does that tell ya? he was the best! nowhere in the athletics record book is there an asterisk next to bubka sayin he wasnt the most effiecint. to be honest, if your not the most effiecient and you still jump higher than anyone EVER, thats sayin somethin about your vaulting ability. it comes down to this. if you can pick one guy to vault for you, who would it be? i guarantee thats its bubka, and you people who say no are just tryin to prove your points related to this thread.

and i agree totally with the jump high or correct statement!!
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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Tue Aug 05, 2003 5:45 pm

O:-) Hey PvJunkie nothin personal I give u much respect and I think u know a whole lot more about Pole Vault than I do, But I love to compete and I could of went to college in many other sports, so sorry if I made u mad but I know about competition. Im learnin so much right now here and at practice and I appreciate guys like u who share knowledge :yes:
On a whole new level 6-20-09

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Tue Aug 05, 2003 5:50 pm

The paradox holds true..............100% of the time if 2 athletes are identical in ability the best technician WILL win. However, Bubka threw a wrench into that. WHY.............thats the big question. He was faster than most over the last 3, but not the fastest. He had a really good plant and takeoff, but not the best..........etc etc etc. Now we get back to...........IF Joe Dup or Scott could have gripped as high as Bubka..............they (not even giving the multiplier) would be in the 6.20+ range. So if I am a developing vaulter and want to be the BEST I want to be the most efficent. Thus I will watch the BEST technicians.

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Tue Aug 05, 2003 5:53 pm

lol...............Competition is in all of us (you would not want to play anything with me). Its how well you lose thats important, thats where you become strong.

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Tue Aug 05, 2003 6:05 pm

I dont know im pretty good at everything else( i have no life exept sports)Im pretty confident I can hold my own against anybody ;) And im the most competitive u will ever meet
On a whole new level 6-20-09

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Taste Great

Unread postby Decamouse » Tue Aug 05, 2003 6:09 pm

Taste Great or Less filling - which is it - to maximize potential - good technique sure is nice - almost comes back to if you were coaching who would you tell someone to look at - i.e. - so and so for technique - it might not be the WR - true in many events - I can not make myself taller - only so much speed can be gained - so the better the technique the better the potential

All this because of a hypo question on best if you could make composite person - is it as easy for a tall lanky type to do some things a short compact person does! One thing is pretty obvious - many of the dud and dudettes do not lack for confidence - ;) but also exchange is good - and in my early years I new a whole lot - now I realize I have a whole lot to know and learn. :dazed:
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Unread postby swtvault » Tue Aug 05, 2003 6:19 pm

and in my early years I new a whole lot - now I realize I have a whole lot to know and learn.

I notice that every day about myself. Its like a quote from Bubba Sparks, "the mind is like a parachute, it works best when open."
Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties.

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Unread postby Decamouse » Tue Aug 05, 2003 6:38 pm

I like that - :)
Plant like crap sometimes ok most times

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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Tue Aug 05, 2003 7:11 pm

There are two different outcomes that you are triing to use to answer the same question (best vaulter).

Highest Jump- bubka
highest jump over top hand hold-

So you will never agree b/c one person is saying the highest jump=best vaulter ever. And another person is saying the best technical vault (highest vault over grip) is the best vaulter.

I think the major thing that brian is saying is bubka had room to improve and valut much higher. So if you want to maximize you potentional and vault as high as you are capable of you might want to look at vaulters who also are getting the most out of thier physical capabilities.
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Unread postby achtungpv » Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:13 pm

I've seen video of Bubka coming very close to clearing a 6.30m bungee in 1996...well past his prime. By going for the centimeter-at-a-time WRs, he never really gave himself the opportunity to put the record beyond reach for a very long time.

His indoor 6.15 is already 10 years old...and there's really no one on the radar right now showing the potential to break it. Who knows, 6.15 could be out of reach for the forseeable future.

Only three athletes have shown the potential to jump 6.15 since Bubka...Brits (got too big & slow), Markov (too injured, but supposedly had height over a WR back in '99 at a meet in New Zealand) and Tarasov (For some reason he never attempted PRs much less WRs. If someone has answer for this let me know. He never jumped a bar higher than what was necessary to win. After winning he always passed his remaining attempts.)
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Unread postby Barto » Wed Aug 06, 2003 1:21 pm

The best vaulter ever is not necessarily the one who jumped the highest OR the one who jumped the highest over his handgrip.

Don't try to tell me how great the Japanese guy was who jumped 15' on a 13'6" pole was when that is all he ever cleared, and don't rave on about how cool Kolasa's 5.25 poles were.

The best vaulter ever is the guy who could flat out POLE VAULT- big pole, small pole, headwind, tailwind, hot, cold, indoor, outdoor, big meet, small meet, young, old, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, hurt, healthy, American, Russian, or Siamese!

In short, you can't define him, but you will know him when you see him.

"You got to be a bad vaulter before you can be a good vaulter"

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Unread postby advath » Thu Aug 07, 2003 10:18 pm

Look at the clearance height over the bars in the video below look at how high he is over the top of his pole. ... 56kbps.wmv "

If you go by a ratio of how high a vaulter is holding compared to the total height cleared... Bubka was holding at 17' and clearing 4 feet above his handgrip. That's a 23.53% pushoff over his hand grip. Joe Dial was holding 16' and vaulted 4.5' over his hand grip. That's 28.125% over his hand grip. Dial was 4.595% better than Bubka.

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