USATF Nationals Results

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USATF Nationals Results

Unread postby vaultfan » Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:07 pm

Jessica Trujillo, TX, repeats as National USATF Intermediate girls PV champion clearing 3.60 or 11-9.75. She made 3 respectable attempts at 3.81 or 12-6 which would have been a PR for her. Tori Allen, IN, takes second with a clearance of 3.45 or 11-3.75. There were 5 vaulters still in at 3.45, but I was unable to get the names of the other three vaulters.

Jodie Mayes, ARK, who placed second in the National AAU meet Tuesday with a 11-6 clearance was unable to get her step today taking 6 trips down the runway in an effort to clear 3.30 or 10-10.

The Young Women's competition is just about to begin. It can be viewed live on I2 Sports.


Unread postby vaultfan » Fri Aug 01, 2003 5:20 pm

There were 5 young women making attempts at 3.65 or 11-11.75. Fourteen X’s were recorded. Then April Kubishta, from Arizona, the last vaulter having a chance to cleared the height, made it! Then went on to clear 3.85 or 12-7.50 for a new national USAFT record for young women on her second attempt!! :yes:

The other four vaulters making attempts at 3.65 were Meagan Bauer, Andrea Smith, Anne Phillips and Sara Young. I believe Andrea Smith got second. And I believe you had to go back to at least 10-6 in counting X’s and O’s to determine 3rd, 4th and 5th and I wasn’t keeping track of everything that closely.

Anyway, hope all this is correct. The I2sports live transmission was breaking down toward the end of the competition.

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