metal break downs when getting on huge poles!

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metal break downs when getting on huge poles!

Unread postby dan WD17 » Wed May 02, 2007 8:34 pm

i have jumped 14 feet with a bar in practice with 2 feet to spare when i was on a 15'9 175. well i broke that pole in four pieces(which was awsome, also that pole holds the south jeresy record, so im proud of breakin that pole) but ne way, i just recieved 7 poles from fiber benders in PA to borrow, and im metally breaking down. today in practice i would not plant and jump!! I dont know why im mentally goin crazy!! using a 15'7 190 altius pole. i am 5'11 and 175. i dotn know why im having this problem, but i need to focus and get my head together. anyone expirencing this problem? i just need to plant and jump and im just running down not planting!

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Unread postby highhopes » Fri May 04, 2007 9:03 pm

When I’m tried to get on my new pole I had the same problem so I just started small with pop ups to kinda get a feel for it until finally I felt that I could get on the pole.
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Unread postby highhopes » Fri May 04, 2007 9:03 pm

When I’m tried to get on my new pole I had the same problem so I just started small with pop ups to kinda get a feel for it until finally I felt that I could get on the pole.
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Fri May 04, 2007 11:11 pm

Definitely go back to a short run and get used to the feeling again. Its just like any other jump you've taken, so grip it and rip it just once and you will feel tons better!
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Unread postby Sean/vaulter/naeS » Sat May 05, 2007 8:26 pm

just go for it once and even if you slow down a ton but you still get off the ground you then have the confidence to do it again but with out slowing down. good luck I know how much mental blocks suck.

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Unread postby dan WD17 » Sun May 06, 2007 1:05 am

Broke through the mental thing today, jumped 14'6 (PR)and missed 15'1, got real windy at 15'1. me and my partener went home with a gold metal with a combined hight of 25'6, just wish the head wind could have slowed down so i could have had a couple descent atempts at my school record(15'1). Finally jumping to my potencial, and am on the big poles i wanted to be on. cleared 14'6 first atempt, coach told me i cleared it by a foot and a half. It feels great when you have a good jumpin day ! CAnt wait till my next comp.

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Unread postby chuckd1356 » Sun May 06, 2007 5:06 pm

I have the same problem.

Also, if I move my grip a significant amount, or even a little amount, I get screwed up in the head... So what I do, is just take a few 3 step pop-ups to calm myself, and then I'm fine.

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new poles

Unread postby ALYpolevault » Sun May 06, 2007 5:55 pm

yeah this season i went from using a 110 pole to a 120 and it scared me at first. i did some bending exercises up against a wall and i did a lot of 3 steps and then moved up to a 5 step and eventually back up to my 7. it takes some time but you just have to take a deep breath and get past the fear.

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Unread postby spill21 » Sat May 12, 2007 6:02 pm

this season i started out with a 120 11' altius pole then i got a new a week before district and didn't have any probs in practice but in disrict i could barely clear 8' then at area the next week i couldn't even clear opening height
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Unread postby Ethan » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:28 pm

i would have to agree with you guys coming from about your mid mark doing pop ups and eventually moving strides back and hand grip up is a mental confidence builder seems like this is a common problem i'm glad i'm not the only one with this problem. i would say pole vaulting most of it is all mental if you dont worry and just go good thing will happen. really hard not to think about stuff tho

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Unread postby Tim McMichael » Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:32 pm

I call this the “I can’t plantsâ€Â

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Unread postby vtcoach » Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:53 pm

Counting your steps can help here also. You learn to trust the count more than the visual cues such as the length of the front buns.

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