a few problems im having

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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a few problems im having

Unread postby weston » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:08 pm

ok ya ive been having two problems well 3 but one i know how to fix it it jsut hasnt happend yet k

1. on the enf of my aproach i slwo down like last two steps of my 3 step plant opnce my hand goes above my sholders its like putting on the brakes, is there any thing i can do to fix this?

2. when inthe air i pull the pole into me losing all the power the pole has its saposed to be a common problem

thank you for you time

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Unread postby AKell » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:14 pm

practice planting (look in the trouble planting forum) and focus on pushing the pole from you. it seems counter-inuitive to beginners (took me a month to get it) but it's neccessary to push the pole to go up, and you WILL get into the pit if you have speed. Confidence is the key. (and please check your spelling before posting :))
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Unread postby weston » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:22 pm

sorry my spelling is bad that combined with my poor typing skills makes me posting bad : / I'm sorry

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