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Unread postby pvpole » Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:29 am


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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:08 am

I believe its 6 minutes. I dont have my rule book here with me though, so I'll have to check on that.
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Unread postby Vaultref » Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:01 am

When there is one vaulter remaining in competition at the start of a height, the time allowed under NFHS rules is 6 minutes after being called UP.

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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:36 am

Nice - its good to know that I'm still up to date and can remember all the little rules (an official tried to tell my younger brother one time after he won a meet that he only had 2 minutes to decide his next height and make an attempt...)
Matthew Savini

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Unread postby vcpvcoach » Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:27 am

Quick note. Make sure your standards are set to the number that you asked for. If not, you get another try. I had the had to give another jump to a vaulter at my home meet last week because my assistants didn't change the standards.
Our officials write down the number on the meet cards. If you move your standards, my sure that he has it.

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Time left for last vaulter

Unread postby drcurran » Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:24 pm

Somebody had it correct. HS gets 6 min. between vaults when there is one vaulter left in the competition. NCAA allows 5 min.

I agree about the situation with the standards, BUT something like that happened in the NCAA Indoor Championship and even after a protest, by the vaulters coach, the vaulter did not get another attempt. Don't know all the details, but that is what was written.


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Unread postby TAMPAKINGPV » Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:26 am

to clarify, its only 6 minutes when you are the only vaulter. That is from when standards are set and your name has been called. time started then.

when we did 3 alive at our FHSAA districts( FL high school), they only allow 2 minutes in between each....when you get down to like 4 jumpers(4 place and go to regionals), it goes up in length i forgot how it changes tho. I know i was the last vaulter and i had 6...

The official was a vaulter and a now PV trainer, so he had his rule book. it should say in it.
"I'm not usually to focused on who I'm jumping against. The competition at the meet is more me against the crossbar."

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Unread postby USMC Vaulter » Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:12 am

TAMPAKINGPV wrote:to clarify, its only 6 minutes when you are the only vaulter

Thats what the original post was talking about - which is why we answered the way we did.
Matthew Savini

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Unread postby TAMPAKINGPV » Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:47 pm

i know i just wanted to give a word that its only that on the last, and it changes
"I'm not usually to focused on who I'm jumping against. The competition at the meet is more me against the crossbar."

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Unread postby LancerVaulter07 » Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:10 pm

6 minutes is interesting to know. i was told
2 days ago at my meet, after i had won (it
was a very windy day) and i had a break in
the wind so i jumped and the official told me
i had 4 minutes inbetween each jump, now i
know i should have even more time
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Unread postby pcCMC8905 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:49 pm

At Sectionals one time a kid was running the 200 or someting like that and they had finals and semi finals for the 200 too. well it was his turn to vault but h told the official that he was running the 200 so we waited but he kept coming to the official saying he was in the semi finals for the 200 then he did the same for the finals. We finally eded up waiting like almost an hour somehow on just that one kid. It was really messed up(and it was at sectionals too)
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Unread postby Tamaqua Vaulter » Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:49 pm

yar, i usally have 6 mins between the 400m and the next vault. in which i usally tend to kill myself becuase am dead tried.
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