rainbowgirl28 wrote:Yay I am glad you guys got the new factory going! I have seen Matt Merritt jump on Essx and I know he really liked them.
You know Matt, that is so funny... small world I guess. Matt was a little recruit that I took care of on his visit to UNCW (the Dub). His freshman year was after I graduated though and he is no longer on the team roster. Does anyone know what happened to him?
Anyway, I used:
6 lefts - Spirit 15' 165
7 lefts - Spirit 15' 170
8 lefts - Spirit 16' 160 or 16' 165
10 lefts - Spirit 16' 165 or 16' 170
I'm only 5'11", 148 lbs (soaking wet with a backpack on). How big a pole you use is dictated by how fast you run UNDER CONTROL & with GOOD FORM, and how aggressive you are at plant. Plain and simple.
Spirits are the absolutely the best poles available far and away! Despite whatever the Pacer sponsored test studies show, Spirits clearly have the highest bend and the highest performance as far as loading and recoil are concerned. Earl Bell's Essex pole would definitely be my next choice. Like Spirit poles, they have smooth yet powerful bending and unbending action. It is just a matter of preference that I choose Spirit, they feel better in my hands. Pacer offers the Pacer Carbon; an extremely fast and powerful pole. The benefit to Pacer Carbon is that the pole diameter is significantly smaller. For vaulters who are intimidated about moving up to the next pole due to the sheer size of it in your hand, this may seem appealing. But if you are this type of person, keep this in mind as well; the Carbon will bend and unbend more quickly then any other pole you have vaulted on. If you are not loading the pole correctly, or find yourself not completely inverted as the pole is recoiling now, then you will be even more out of position on a Pacer (this is a scary/dangerous concept. Evaluate your own skill before attempting to move up to this pole). Skilled vaulters also be weary. If you are going to make the switch to Pacer, you will have to purchase a whole series of poles so that your timing doesn't change when switching between labels. I vaulted on a 15'7" Nordic pole once upon a time as well. They are pretty cool, but before Bill Faulk/MF Athletics picked up their product line, they were more or less unavailable in the United States. If you have ever picked one up, you could swear it was a Spirit with a different logo on it. Why not just go with the real thing? I hope I helped out a little with anyones decision to purchase poles.