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Unread postby PVDaddy » Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:21 pm

Obviously the same old system is in place as 3 years ago. Now I know why this site is almost dead. Anytime anybody has some unique Ideas (You only heard half of mine) on here, Altius starts by saying It has no real worth and insist on training methods. Someone else says something rude. If I respond to their rudeness, Altius insist that I'm calling you all "Dumb Bunnies". Then some other coward piles on. I have lost respect for this forum and am taking, perhaps a permanent Hiatus from this place. You guys are suppose to be promoting ideas, not demoting them. May have a lot to do with why the pole vault world has been stuck in the mud for 20 years???? I was the one who started this after thread all! I had a collection of Ideas that I wanted to share and did my best to try and stay out of quarrells. What Tsorensen did was so obvious and what you do on here Altius is also Obvious! Not throwing pearls before the swine.
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Unread postby tsorenson » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:41 pm

PV Daddy,
Even though I really wanted to walk away from my contact with you, as requested, I feel a need to respond to your repeated accusations.

I have never been involved in any negativity on this website, until now. I had absolutely no idea that you were involved in the old threads I referenced, or that the experience had been a negative one for you. When I responded to your post a few days ago, I thought that you were a new user of PVP because you exhibited a lot of the same undirected enthusiasm that many new users do, so I referenced some old threads. Regardless of what you think, I don't keep a mental list of who I have conversed with on this forum 3 years ago (except for those who make contributions). I actually went back yesterday and read the old forum pages to try and understand what your problem is. I still don't. Even though I never tried to drag you through the mud, you have done an excellent job of this yourself. I am sincerely sorry that I ever commented on your thread because this has been a massive waste of time and energy. Please understand that my only goal for using this forum is to learn and share knowledge, not to have petty arguments. I am embarrassed that my name is associated with this garbage.

Just relax, let it go, and get on with your agenda; I look forward to reading it (I promise I will not comment). Or else please just don't use this forum, because crap like this invalidates the purpose of the website and irritates the genuine users.


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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:48 pm

PV Daddy I think you're being too sensitive. I realize that it can be hard to interpret peoples' tone when you are reading posts on a message board, but Tom and Alan have both been nothing but nice to you, and really Alan has been much nicer than normal! :P

While it's fun to discuss the theoretical, I'm personally not that impressed by coaches who think they know what's wrong with the pole vault, but don't have specific and concrete ways of HOW to fix it.

I hope that you are actively coaching and can test out your ideas on actual pole vaulters. If you think that you can improve on existing coaching models, let's see some real world results! Your kids don't have to jump high, just shoot some video at the beginning of the season and the end of the season and show us some of the work in between.

If you want to bounce ideas around online, you're going to have to have thick enough skin to handle a few questions or suggestions about them and not interpret everything as a personal attack.

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Unread postby altius » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:50 pm

And we are still interested in your ideas!!!! But don't expect us always to receive them as if they were the answers to all our prayers. We will analyse, assess and even critique. It is always difficult to communicate complex ideas in this fashion - face to face is always better.

If you have time take a look at the debates DJ and I had over a range of issues - but we resolved them and moved on as colleagues searching for the truth.
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Unread postby PVDaddy » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:54 pm

Tsorensen said:
I had absolutely no idea that you were involved in the old threads I referenced.

Pretty obvious Tom, seeing that I'm the first post on that page, and very ironic that you make special effort to direct the reader to my post not yours. Besides the fact that your reference pages had no bearing on our thread either! WHY is that tom? Did you not read the thread, mr. nice guy? Also it would have been SOO much easier to just copy and paste the link into your post! But you didn't do that, did ya tom? BOOM!

I thought that you were a new user of PVP because you exhibited a lot of the same undirected enthusiasm that many new users do

tom you remember well! You and I and Altius were involved with an useless distraction that was suppose to be about the use of the bottom arm ( I have zero problem with a real debate on a subject, in fact I love it! but have every problem with Altius stating that I was calling every body dumb bunnies!) Shall I cut and paste your long response at the time?

In what ways was my enthusiasm undirected? More Character assassination mr nice guy? please expain?

(except for those who make contributions)

Exactly what does that mean? I think I have made like 70 so far? I'm working on developing an entire method for crying out loud!!!!!!??
explain yourself mr nice guy? more character assassination?

Even though I never tried to drag you through the mud, you have done an excellent job of this yourse

Your reference had no bearing on the subject, matter but was ONLY intended to rekindle strife between Altius and I (even though we had made our peace) and to shed bad light on me.

I have proven it all, with the above logic, tom!

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting"

tom you INTENTIONALLY did a very low life, mean thing (until you apologize I will never forget this) and honestly it would not have been good if you, me and altius were having this conversation like Altius said, face to face!
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Unread postby vaultman18 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:51 pm

Let's see it...why the suspense?

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:52 pm

PV Daddy if you make any more attacks on Tom, I am going to give you a temporary vacation from the website. This is completely unwarranted. I don't know why the oldest members here give me the most trouble :deadrose:

Tom, don't bother responding.

I am leaving this thread unlocked in case anyone has anything else to say about pole vault technique, but if the personal attacks keep up I will shut it down.

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Unread postby vaultmd » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:16 pm

Thanks, Becca.

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Unread postby PVDaddy » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:36 pm

Rainbowgirl said:
While it's fun to discuss the theoretical, I'm personally not that impressed by coaches who think they know what's wrong with the pole vault, but don't have specific and concrete ways of HOW to fix it.

This pains me to even have to say. "You cant fix a problem, UNTIL YOU IDENTIFY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :idea: "

Agenda 21 would have (Never even gave you the good stuff!) identified what was missing in the Petrov Mode, Then we could have develeped training models to fix it! :idea:

She also said:
I am going to give you a temporary vacation from the website

LOL I'm already in Cuba Cabana, Little rainbow, sitting in my Tahiti ,listening to Jimmy Buffet, Searching for my lost shaker of salt!
and I'm gonna stay here until you remove everything on this thread except for the intro page (like I requested you, Rainbow,every thing else is a waste of CREATIVE ENERGY) and then, I will post the complete Agenda 21 for all to read. I suggest to anyone interested in hearing it that you also PM her asking her to do it. I started this thread and ALL I want is the negativity removed. I do not think that it is a unreasonable request

Funny you NEVER threaten Altius and your other "Special Pals" with a vacation, even though he's probably the biggest trouble maker on here. Why did you not even let me get my AGENDA out Allen and friends, before throwing all of your intentional distractions out? You and others might actually have learned something new, like I have learned from you!

I am leaving this thread unlocked in case anyone has anything else to say about pole vault technique,

No Rainbow , YOU ARE LEAVING THIS OPEN BECAUSE THIS IS THE HOTTEST THREAD (On this otherwise dying forum)ON HERE RIGHT NOW AND YOU KNOW IT! Some People are desperately searching for answers, and I know I have some good things to suggest. Not coincidental that at the very moment I start AGENDA 21, Agapit appears back at his "Pull at plant" Thread. No disrespect to Agapit, by I Know, that many of you educated vaulters already know, that it is not the answer!
Can I give you mine please? Just waiting on you Rainbow girl. I know that if my AGENDA 21 is seen, it will raise a LOT of new ideas and make for interesting discussion on here for the next 10 years.

Hey I think that's my Pina Colada comming my way! :)
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:00 pm

Well, I guess we'll never know what the amazing AGENDA 21 is because PV Daddy is too busy yelling at everyone and playing victim to tell us.

1 week ban. If you come back and keep up the same garbage, it will be a permanent ban.

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