Head injury scared to jump HELP

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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby fishman4god » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:20 pm

Ditto an the gymnastics for sure. Never pool vaulted although I saw a vid of Billy Olson doing it with his coach at Abiline back in the late 70's. Always wanted to give it a try :D

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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby VaultMarq26 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:13 pm

It is a great way to slow down the top of the vault and work on positions
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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby fishman4god » Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:09 pm

I am sure it does and would love to give it a try.....................just gotta convince the local aquatic center LOL!

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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby lifecaster9 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:36 pm

so first practice was a few days ago. I feel like i completely got rid of the fear and am clearing 12 straight bar with is better then before? this is strange because i feel alot better than i was before even though i haven jumped for a year.
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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby fishman4god » Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:35 pm

Sometimes an extended rest will do wonders both physically and mentally. Great news stay positive and train safe!

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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby lifecaster9 » Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:26 pm

Hey guys well...2 years later here I am. One week ago I decided i'm not afraid anymore. I started vaulting with a positive attitude and a drive to succeed. I pr'd twice once at 13'6 at district. Then again with 14'3 at area. I am advancing to regionals next week and plan to clear 16'3 for the valley record!I just want to thank everyone for there responses 2 years ago. And i want to share the video. It is amazing what positivity can do. 2 years ago my pr was 13 then i fell on my head and quit. Now im back with 2 prs in a week on practice!
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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby KirkB » Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:42 pm

Hey Brandon, great comeback story! :yes: And great vid!

That was a very smooth vault over 14-3! Your swing and extension are both excellent, especially given your lack of training (and confidence) over the past couple years. You have some very good vaults ahead of you - much higher than this. Just keep working on your run/plant/takeoff. Your swing and extension are already very good - just make it more explosive by hitting your takeoff at top speed. Drive up and into the pole on takeoff - don't let the pole pick you off. Jump UP and INTO it.

I see you're on a 14-180 now. What's your grip? Do you have a good series of poles ready to move into when you get into the 15-foot range? You'll need them.

Change your PR on your profile to 14-3. Then change it again when you break the valley record!

But don't get too far ahead of yourself. Your next barrier to break is 15-0, then 16-0, and THEN 16-3!

I'm not going to say it's impossible, but most vaulters don't up their PR by much more than a foot per meet - at the most. So you'll probably need at least 2-3 good meets under your belt to hit 16-3.

Keep training hard and smart - and safe! Good luck!

Run. Plant. Jump. Stretch. Whip. Extend. Fly. Clear. There is no tuck! THERE IS NO DELAY!

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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby lifecaster9 » Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:20 pm

Thanks! :) The next poles we have are a 14'7 175 altius then a 14'6 180 pacer fx. we have a 15 180 pacer fx then a 15'6 180 pacer fx and finally a 16'1 pacer fx
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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby lifecaster9 » Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:23 pm

My grip on the 14 180 is the max allowable grip under the weight label
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Re: Head injury scared to jump HELP

Unread postby lifecaster9 » Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:07 pm

Hey kirkB please check out my 15 foot video I finally got onto a 15 footer :)
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