JJ Juilfs background in gymnastics helps (OR)

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JJ Juilfs background in gymnastics helps (OR)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:43 pm


Juilfs background in gymnastics helps him reach new heights
By Dirk Weishaar

With a clearance of 16-feet even, Sheldon's J.J. Juilfs finished second in the pole vault last year at the state track & field championships and has even higher goals in 2010.
Story Published: Apr 13, 2010 at 10:28 PM PDT
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J.J. Juilfs began pole vaulting when he was in seventh grade. He has excelled at the event ever since.

"His freshman year here he broke the school record which was 15-feet," said Sheldon assistant coach Dennis Ludwig. "I believe he went 15-6 as a freshman."

Before he was soaring to new heights in the pole vault, Juilfs gave gymnastics a whirl.

"Pole vaulters are pretty much big gymnasts that can run," said Juilfs.

The disciplines Juilfs learned in gymnastics aided him in the pole vault.

"Well, gymnastics teaches you a lot of body awareness which is a big carry over into the pole vault because when you're up 15, 16, 17-feet up in the air, you've got to know where you are," said Juilfs. "Gymnastics teaches you how to control your energy."

When J.J. Juilfs finished second in the pole vault at Hayward Field a year ago at the state track and field championships, it helped propel the Sheldon boys to the 6A team title."

"I saw it. I felt it. It was really neat to be a part of that last year and I'm going to do my best to try and do that again this year," said Juilfs "I want to clear 17-feet in the pole vault and help my team to another state title."

"He's an excellent competitor," said Ludwig. "Wherever he goes, he's the one to watch out for."

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Re: JJ Juilfs background in gymnastics helps (OR)

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:45 pm

JJ kicked off the season with a 16' jump: http://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/A ... AID=283191

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Re: JJ Juilfs background in gymnastics helps (OR)

Unread postby VaultPurple » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:51 pm

Also on the gymnastics note....

Austin Stevens a senior at Wakefield High school in NC jumped 15'6 last weekend. That jump was a 1.5 foot PR from his previous best from the indoor season of 14'. (He is a level 10 gymnast that started playing around with pole vault last year but didn't really start taking it serious till this past summer).

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Re: JJ Juilfs background in gymnastics helps (OR)

Unread postby pv161 » Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:22 pm

JJ improved his pr to 16'5" yesterday :yes:

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Re: JJ Juilfs background in gymnastics helps (OR)

Unread postby tsorenson » Tue May 04, 2010 1:13 pm

Congrats to JJ and all you guys over there!! Keep up the good work
Didn't know JJ had a gymnastics background, I still say it is his MASSIVE run and takeoff that made him so good!!! :D

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