Things that cause you to test positive.

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Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:38 am

The more I think about it the madder it makes me. There is no problem with anyone who is going to do any other sport in college with drug-testing in relation to ADD/ADHD medicines. How many football, basketball, etc. athletes do you think probably take these medications? I've got two kids in college. Adderol is sold for $5 a pill in college around test time. How many college athletes do you think probably take it at test time even though they don't have a legal prescription? How many kids would not even have the grades from high school to be eligible if they hadn't had medication for this learning disability--with a prescription??
That's Jodie!!

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Re: Testing

Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Tue Nov 25, 2003 9:47 am

jmayesvaultmom wrote:The more I think about it the madder it makes me. There is no problem with anyone who is going to do any other sport in college with drug-testing in relation to ADD/ADHD medicines. How many football, basketball, etc. athletes do you think probably take these medications? I've got two kids in college. Adderol is sold for $5 a pill in college around test time. How many college athletes do you think probably take it at test time even though they don't have a legal prescription? How many kids would not even have the grades from high school to be eligible if they hadn't had medication for this learning disability--with a prescription??

In effect, USATF's policy is saying track & field athletes can't be both students and athletes at the same time, how are these kids that need the medication ever going to get through college.
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Re: Testing

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:31 am

jmayesvaultmom wrote:How many college athletes do you think probably take it at test time even though they don't have a legal prescription?

Oh it's a lot, trust me.

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Re: False Advertising...

Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:33 am

Carolina Extreme wrote:
vaultguru6 wrote:
Carolina Extreme wrote:
jmayesvaultmom wrote:Only the top finishers are tested??? But a third place finisher is not tested, but gets all the glory and recruiting opportunities, etc. and could be taking the same medication????

Is Gabe Baldwin a member on this site? Gabe finished third at Juniors and replaced Chase at Pan American Juniors. I would love to find out if he was drug tested before the flight. That might give us something as well. Gabe if you are a member, please if nothing else, private message me with the information.

I jumped at Jr. Nationals this year, and they tested the top eight or so finishers. Unluckily for me, i pulled a big ugly NH and was out of there before they could even ask me to come get tested. So i know it was not only the top two that got tested, but more like the top 6-8. What they did with the tests of finishers 3-8 could be anyones guess though. So i'm sure Gabe was tested at the meet at the same time as all the other competitors.

Thanks for the input. I understood it was only the top 2. I would love to know for sure. If any of the others in the top 6 or 8 are reading this please respond to let us know if you were tested also.

Chase just told me he was pretty sure they didn't test anyone else at Junior's. He said most of the vaulters stuck around to see Tommy's last jump. While they were waiting a lady walked up to Chase and said "Do not leave the track, when Tommy is finished I need you and Tommy to come with me for drug testing, since you got first and second." Chase said he was the last one out of there and when he went back out to get his poles the lights were off. So no one else was tested, that he was aware of.
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Drug testing

Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:54 am

The point again is that even if these college athletes are taking adderol or whatever with or without a prescription, the only athletes it affects that I can tell would be the college athletes that are good enough to place 1st or 2nd in either junior or senior nationals in other sport! At our high school this year, we were required to submit copies of all prescription medicines our athletes were taking prior to their drug testing so that they knew who had prescriptions for whatever might show up in testing. This would save them the embarrassment of being told they flunked a drug test and then having to provide the prescription (if they had one.)
That's Jodie!!

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:12 pm

At my school they drug test random athletets from all sports every week. I don't know if they test for adderall, I'd have to ask my trainer. It it is not banned by the NCAA, then I would assume not... but if it makes you test positive for amphetamine I would think they test for that... I don't know :confused:

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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Tue Nov 25, 2003 2:10 pm

rainbowgirl28 wrote:At my school they drug test random athletets from all sports every week. I don't know if they test for adderall, I'd have to ask my trainer. It it is not banned by the NCAA, then I would assume not... but if it makes you test positive for amphetamine I would think they test for that... I don't know :confused:

My guess is Amphetamine would show up, but not Adderall. Let us know what you find out.
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Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:59 pm

If they test for amphetamine, then they would probably have the same case scenario that you have to provide a prescription...or maybe they just call them in to explain when they do test + for it.
That's Jodie!!

A scripture that makes me think of all you girls and guys pole vaulting....

Habakkuk 3:19

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:28 pm

My trainer said if you have a valid prescription for Adderall it is not a problem in college.

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Unread postby Carolina Extreme » Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:24 pm

I wanted to let you guys (and gals :D ) know that Chase is over the next hurdle in the long process to reinstatement. USADA has forwarded their standard form letter to USATF, which I understand is supposed to be forwarded to IAAF unchanged. The letter in short says that because of the positive test it is an automatic 2 yr suspension from all IAAF and USATF meets, but USADA is requesting that Chase be reinstated by June 1st in time for Juniors.

We are trying to get it on the IAAF agenda, when they meet in March, otherwise it will be a slim chance he will be cleared before Juniors. That's right, nine months before it's even heard... at the soonest. It could possibly go the full two years never being reviewed. Bummer.

We figure one of three things might happen:

1. IAAF may be so busy with all the THG stuff that they will not have time to review it. This is not good for Chase.
2. IAAF may want to show that they aren't bad guys and they understand the problems associated with junior athletes and A.D.D. medication. They haven't taken this stance yet, but who know's with all the THG stuff. Sort of like Jay-walking vs Bank Robbery.
3. IAAF may want to show who's in charge in global athletics, flexing their muscles, and if so Chase might as well have a target painted on his back.

Also in reference to the suggestion of getting the media involved, we have people ready to be interviewed and a newspaper ready to do a big article on the problems with testing junior athletes. We have even been told of a simple solution that has been proposed which USADA agrees to, and it should meet with IAAF's approval. It could take effect immediately and no junior athlete will test positive for A.D.D. medicines, amphetamines. Otherwise 2004 promises to have many more young athletes testing positive, with automatic two year bans. But USATF has quit returning calls since THG and the Jerome Young stuff went ballistic, so progress has been stalled. In addition, we have been advised to chill until Chase's situation is resolved before proceeding, for fear of retaliation and the reinstatement request not getting to first base.

Anyway, we appreciate your support and interest and hope that our sharing this with you can help you or someone you know in some way. I'll keep you posted.

Oh I almost forgot my reason for this post. Since the letter has been forwarded. USADA is releasing to the Associated Press once again the information on Chase's case. They agreed to say that his test was positive because of A.D.D. medication, for which we are grateful. We'll see if it comes out that way and if the media reports that part. It is due to be released any day now. If the press tries to lump my son in with the THG crowd... Chill'n time is over! It'll be all out war!

Thanks again for the support.

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