Gill Athletics Factory Vault - Registration Now Open

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Gill Athletics Factory Vault - Registration Now Open

Unread postby vaultchik86 » Fri May 08, 2009 10:34 am


The Gill Athletics Factory Vault is on the factory campus in CHAMPAIGN, IL on July 3rd (a Friday). (601 mercury drive, 61822) Directions, registration, and other details can be found here:

It's going to be a great event, last year there was around 100 vautlers. Multiple runways and flights keep things moving quickly. This year's elite competition promises to be spectacular with vaulters like Toby Stevenson, Erica Bartolina, Derek Miles among a few. Jeff Hartwig is hosting.

This year there's also going to be a pole vault symposium the day before (Thursday July 2nd). Some great speakers are going to give talks on subjects like the annual training cycle and what it takes to go pro. There's also going to be a Q+A with an elite panel of vaulters and a Factory tour.

Registration is open!!!

PV Lover
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Re: Gill Athletics Factory Vault - Registration Now Open

Unread postby PVJunkie » Thu May 28, 2009 2:30 pm

Check out the list of Elite Athletes that will be competing for 5000.00 in prize money (this is not final and it will continue to grow). Visit the links above to se the entry lists.

PV Lover
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Re: Gill Athletics Factory Vault - Registration Now Open

Unread postby PVJunkie » Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:51 am


A commemorative aluminum water bottle for each paid entry.
The elite competitors will battle it out for 5000.00 in prize money.
DJ - Danny Burton (former Oly Trials competitor) will be rocking the runways.
Raffle items from elite competitors as well as a vaulting pole.
Your chance to compete on 2 of the fastest runways around.

Don’t miss out on this one....its bigger and better than ever.
Visit http://www.gillathletics.comto register today.

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