Lone Star Indoor Open Results 1/24/09

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Lone Star Indoor Open Results 1/24/09

Unread postby lonestar » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:10 pm

1st Flight
Place Final Height Name Age Gender PR w/in 3 months Affiliation
1 9'1 Catherine Chenault 14 F 9'0 unattached
2 8'7 Mason Gill 14 M 9'0 LSPV
3 8'7 Augie Gmitter 13 M 8'6 LSPV
4 7'7 Erin Orozco 14 F 7'6 LSPV
5 7'7 Danielle Lotz 16 F ? Canguros
6 7'7 Lauren Ridenour 17 F 8'0 Canguros
7 tie 7'1 Bozena Barton 14 F 7'6 LSPV
7 tie 7'1 Nicole Summersett 11 F 8'6 LSPV
9 7'1 Maggie Drummond 14 F 7'0 AMCMS
dns Hannah Linn 19 F 9'0 Canguros

2nd Flight
Place Final Height Name Age Gender PR w/in 3 months Affiliation
1 12'7 Daryl T Burrell 16 M 12'6 LSPV
2 12'1 Demi Payne 16 F 12'0 Elite Sportz
3 12'1 Devon Lambeck 15 M 12'0 LSPV
4 11'7 Natasha Masterson 17 F 11'6 LSPV North
5 11'7 Malachi Bauman 15 M 11'0 Canguros
6 10'7 Chaney Turney 16 F 11'0 LSPV
7 10'1 Sarah Korn 16 F 11'0 LSPV
8 10'1 Cameron Barbier 16 M 10'4 Canguros
8 10'1 Meredith Driskell 15 F 10'6 LSPV
10 10'1 Avery Jones 12 M 9'6 Elite Sportz
11 10'1 Katelyn Wynn 16 F 10'0 Canguros
12 9'7 Brianna Abreo 15 F 10'0 LSPV
13 9'7 Jaynellen Stokes 17 F 9'6 LSPV North
14 9'1 Audrey Dwyer 17 F 10'0 LSPV North
15 8'7 Jean Deason 16 F 8'0 Elite Sportz
16 8'1 Lindsey Dwyer 17 F 10'0 LSPV North

3rd Flight
Place Final Height Name Age Gender PR w/in 3 months Affiliation
1 14'7 Landon Ferguson 17 M 14'0 Elite Sportz
2 14'1 Ryan Cowan 17 M 14'0 Elite Sportz
3 13'7 Case Zugg 16 M 14'1 LSPV North
4 13'1 Jonathan Johnson 16 M 14'6 LSPV
5 12'7 Blake Luther 23 M ? LSPV
6 12'7 Kyle Grest 22 M 13'0 Canguros
7 11'7 Tyler Jackson 17 M 12'0 RGV Elite
8 11'1 Don Curry 52 M 12'0 Woodlands PV
dns Mike Cantu 33 M 12'0 LSPV
dns Bubba Sparks 55 M 12'6 Woodlands PV
NH Anthony Rychlik 18 M 13'0 Don Arnold's
NH Natasha Masterson 17 F 11'6 LSPV North

4th Flight
Place Final Height Name Age Gender PR w/in 3 months Affiliation
1 16'1 Henrique Martins 31 M 16'5 Brasil
2 15'7 Seth Harris 24 M 16'0 Elite Sportz Vaulting
3 15'1 Francisco Leon Cannock 29 M 15'7 Canguros
3 15'1 Jarrod Buddin 21 M unattached
5 14'7 Eric Williams 22 M 15'7 unattached
6 14'1 Clayton Hamilton 26 M 14'6 LSPV
6 14'1 Alex Smith 18 M 15'2 Don Arnold's
NH Casey Pikla 22 M 14'1 Canguros
NH Daniel Ventura 36 M 14'9 Lone Star North
NH Anthony Rychlik 18 M 13'0 Don Arnold's
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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