Slide Box Anyone?

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Re: Slide Box Anyone?

Unread postby dnike13 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:03 am

1 piece of 3/4" plywood
1 2x4" at least 5 feet long, or 2 pieces that are about 2-2.5 feet long
1 4x4" block. doesn't need to be any longer than 6"
A drill, screws, and a saw, probably circular to make it easier on yourself
A square and triangle to make sure you have correct angles.

Measure out a V shape on the plywood at a 30 degree angle for each side. Cut the plywood to that it makes "V" shape, but the bottom it long enough enough to fit your 4x4 block. I recommend that you use a 4x4x4 block to keep yourself from doing a lot of cutting. Cut the ends off of your 2x4s (make sure you have already cut into two pieces already) so that they will meet up nicely and last longer. Connect 2x4s and 4x4 to the plywood by drilling from BOTTON UP!! Then connect the 2x4s to the 4x4s. You can change the out any material as you see fit. This will work on any outdoor track, we use it on ours all the time, just don't use it in the same spot every time you use it. I prefer a harder surface like concrete or asphalt, but it will make the bottom rougher. We had a parent make a bunch for our program, he made us a bunch of them. You will most likely have your school's matience staff run them over, break them down for spare wood, or throw them out because they think that they are junk. Hope this helps everyone.

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