year books

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year books

Unread postby tim hutzley » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:39 pm

I just got my school year book today and in the track page there are five pictures and all of the crapiest people on the team. Instead of putting a picture of me in for the vault (the best vaulter in the league by 7 feet) they put in a picture of this retard vaulting like 6 feet. And they did the same thing last year. And some other weak little retard got most athletic. he runs like a 3.30 800 and got most athletic. Has this happened to anyone else.

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Unread postby vaultin chris » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:45 pm

i was the yearbook editor for two years in HS. if wasnt there wouldnt have been any track pictures on the track if u have a quarrel with what goes in the year book, get on the staff and startmaking some decisions.
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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:26 am

last year i was california state champion with 16'6" and i didn't get one vaulting pic in it! just like you, they put a vault pic of some retarded sophomore who was jumping like 9 feet. yea, it pissed me off.

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Unread postby ashcraftpv » Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:50 am

i was dating the chick who did the track layout, so I had a sweet pic of my winning jump at the state meet.
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Happens to the best of us

Unread postby uconnvaulta » Thu Jun 05, 2003 10:44 am

this same situation has happened to me the past 3 years in a row, its mainly because the stupid photographers go only to the begining of the meets and get the crappy kids coming in at like 8 feet and then jet to save time instead of getting the kids that are actually polevaulting and not str8 polin it and hangin on to the pole hoping that they fall over the bar without knocking it off, that pisses me off. grrrrr :mad:

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Re: Happens to the best of us

Unread postby wayupthere » Thu Jun 05, 2003 1:55 pm

uconnvaulta wrote:this same situation has happened to me the past 3 years in a row, its mainly because the stupid photographers go only to the begining of the meets and get the crappy kids coming in at like 8 feet and then jet to save time instead of getting the kids that are actually polevaulting and not str8 polin it and hangin on to the pole hoping that they fall over the bar without knocking it off, that pisses me off. grrrrr :mad:

its bulls*** pole vault is not getting the coverage it used 2. my dad had his picture in the paper going 13 feet as soph and he didnt even place in the meet! he had like 4 other pictures and a whole article on him the rest of his high school year. and in college the same. i dont know what is up do they not realize how much talent, athleticism, and skill it takes to pole vault. i mean my teammate is seeded 2nd at the state meet and doesnt even get his height mentioned most of the time in the write ups in the paper! they even write about people who LOSE in races!! Our team swept the pole vault FOUR times this year and we got dicked real bad on the coverage. They never mentioned heights and didnt even mention that the boys swept the pole vault. Its all these girls sports im tellin u like softball and all this s*** is whats gettin written about! pisses me off!

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Unread postby xxxDONK » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:02 am

i saw bob
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Unread postby tim hutzley » Tue Jul 08, 2003 12:40 pm

yeah Bob is a crazy man. I see him every once in a while.

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Unread postby Vaulterchick88 » Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:26 pm

yeah, see they only came to a couple practices to get pics for our yearbook, but they chick who was taking them was on track so after her workout is when she went around with the camera, and by that time it was so late there were prettymuch only vaulters left. so they were a million pv pics, and i wasn't in any of them, which made me mad only because a) i know i was there, and b) there were like three pictures of bradon and like three of anna, and it was just stupid, they weren't even good pics
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Unread postby nzsprinter » Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:13 pm

At least you "had" a chance to get into you yearbook. We didn't even have a pole vault photo. We only had a team photo and a sprinting photo in there.

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Unread postby Vaulterchick88 » Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:19 pm

nzsprinter wrote:At least you "had" a chance to get into you yearbook. We didn't even have a pole vault photo. We only had a team photo and a sprinting photo in there.

yeah, we didn't even get a team photo though, so i mean it's not the end of the world it was just kinda sucked
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Unread postby tim hutzley » Mon Jul 14, 2003 6:56 pm

I didnt get into my team photo this year because I was in PE and my teacher who is also my pv coach didnt tell me to go.

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