here ye here ye..

A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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skyin' pimp
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here ye here ye..

Unread postby skyin' pimp » Wed Apr 09, 2003 1:11 am

i was thinkin' the other day 'bout how there really aren't any good vaulting manuels out there.. i mean for the shmoe.. the guy that thinks the best way to vault is to throw your head back while pulling up at take-off.. yeah, lot's of 'em out there.. it has been my goal for the last decade to get off my a** and write a manuel that the "shmoe" can say, "oh, i get it"... so.. here's my deal.. anyone who has anything to say about how to vault... higher, safer, drills, spills, and just 'bout anything you can think of that may or may not deal with vault, but, at least help it out, shoot me your ideas. if i like it, i'll let ya know.. also, if i don't, i'll still let ya know, and i'll even tell ya why i'm right.. (oh i'm kindof kidding 'bout that last statement).. i don't know everything 'bout vault, but, who does?? so, that's why i'm inlisting the best of the best to tell me how you better yourself, or your vaulters.. GET TO WORK!!!!
confuscious says: man with four balls doesn't walk

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Bruce Caldwell
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Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:13 am

Working on it

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:18 am

The USATF Task Progression Manual (or whatever it is called) and Rick Baggett's Hip Pocket Guide to Coaching are two excellent resources for beginning coaches. :idea:

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Unread postby natdog » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:24 am

How about a title? THE manuelle
run high and hold fast

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skyin' pimp
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Unread postby skyin' pimp » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:40 am

the title is going to be:

"how to not vault like crap"

i like that title.. it's fitting for what most vaulters do..
confuscious says: man with four balls doesn't walk

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