Thanks to Sean Brown, Bubba and Daniel. . .
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:10 pm
This is just a thread of thanks to Sean, Bubba, and Daniel for their efforts and sacrifices in making quality videos for pole vaulting. I think many of us have known for a long long time that videos that pole vaulting people have made in the past don't represent what we are today as pole vaulters (or were in my case). I gave a "sneak preview" in my English class today of Bubba and Daniel's video just to share a bit about my past with my students. I sat back at my desk and quietly watched and listened as my students gave their comments of respect, outburst of excitement, and spurts of genuine laughter. It was so rewarding for me to see their smiles and to answer their questions about the event that shaped my life. I teach 8th grade Language Arts and many of the kids here in California are at a disadvantage in pole vaulting because we can't start until we are Freshman in high school. So many of my kids just want to try it. . .just to see what the feeling is like. They question me about broken poles, about Toby's helmet, about whether or not pole vauling is meant for girls. . .so many wonderful things came out of a small dose of the video. So, thanks for the videos. If you haven't bought any videos, you need to. If you have, then you need to buy more and pass them on to your friends or just be generous. Here's an idea. . .buy 3 videos like I did and keep one for yourself, another copy for your girlfriend or boyfriend, and the third for a head coach somewhere that needs to learn about the characters in pole vaulting. I walked straight up to the track coach at our Jr. High today and handed him a video because I love the event so much. He's a true spirit to track and field and will show the video at least once every year in his P.E. class. Think of how many children that will inspire! There are going to be so many little inspired Beams out there, you won't know what to do. Muahahahahah. If you feel guilty about buying the same video three times, buy both of Sean's and then Bubba and Daniel's. Perfect.