Gill inviteded a fairly short list of movers and shakers to its first symposium. In short, we showed off our new factory and pole testing equipment. We have done approximalty 6 years of pole research and we wanted to share it with some of the top people.
Both the openness, and depth of information regarding poles was awsome. I think Jeff Watry and the entire Gill pole division demonstrated for the for the first time in the history of the industry, scientific data and information which was both quantatative and reliable.
It was very informative, and a lot of fun! Perhaps in the future it will be an annual thing. Perhaps, it will also be open to more invited guests. Gill wanted to keep it small because we were uncertian regarding a number of issues including space and presentation.
Speaking on behalf of those who attended, I think we all were very impressed by the scientific basis, and depth of the information. It was nothing any of us have ever seen before.
Here is a partial list of invited guests who attended:
Pat Licari (UWashington), Toby Stevenson, Derrick Miles, Mike Tully, Anthony Curren (UCLA), Jeff Hartwig, Mike Fontana (Dekan Ath), Ron Morris (On Track), Rick Attig (Nebraska), Dave Nielson (Id ST), Peter Mcginnis (USATF PV Biomechanics), Steve Rippon (UK Elite PV coach), Greg Hull (MF- Sky Athletics), Dan West (FTF-NW), Kris Allison (Lone Star Pole Vaulting), Russ Versteeg (New England School of Law), Don Hood (Texas Tech)
Probably, in a day or two, photos and stuff will be up on the Gill web site.
It was the best, and most informatitive confrence, of its kind, I have ever been associated with.