rainbowgirl28 wrote:I mean if you are like 5 feet away from the pit and it still bugs your friends... they need to learn how to deal with it!
Sorry Becca, but WAY wrong! Zoning out the "normal" distractions of the pit crew who NEED to be there (and know to FREEZE!) is one thing. Worrying about whether or not a photographer is going to be shifting around while you're attempting to vault is another.
I've seen photographers racing from the standards to the end of the pit in order to grab that "perfect" shot while the vaulter is approaching the box. This is NOT a good time for the thought "Am I going to land on that a**hole with the camera?" to enter the competitor's head!
(And the answer is yes, I've buttonholed a few over the years!)
Get a telephoto lense and stay out of the vaulter's line of sight, everyone will be happier. Besides, some of the best shots can be made from the stands.