i need help!

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i need help!

Unread postby qtpie57 » Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:34 am

i have a big mental problem.. i always cast out at the bar instead of shooting up. it could be also physical but its more mental. but it only happens with crossbars, if its a bungee im fine. Today at practice my coach put a bungee up at 11 and i just barely skimmed it, then he put a bar up at 10 and i knocked it down hard. I kno i can go higher than i am if i just learn to ignore the bar.. any advice?
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Unread postby ennairb » Mon Mar 29, 2004 10:37 am

i used to have the same problem and i still do it every now and then ... what really helped me for a while was focusing on something above the bar instead of the bar ... and when i started rowing the right way and bringing my right hand to my left hip the problem kind of fixed itself it seemed like ... hope that helps a little ;)

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Unread postby vaulterpunk » Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:48 pm

Try to focuss on your feet going up and it is hard to still look at the cross bar. Indoors i always try to think about watching my feet go to the ceiling.
Thats what works for me at least. I don't know if that helped you all that much.
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Unread postby gymkittykat » Mon May 17, 2004 11:32 pm

i would say put the bar at like 10' and the bungee at 11' it might take ur mind off the bar and think about getting over the bungee! ;)

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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Tue May 18, 2004 12:31 am

i've got one word for advice to all high schoolers asking for "help" on simple issues. Actually its one word said multiple times:

drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill.

Let's just say........drill^drill (that reads drill to the drill power)

Look at internet sites for drills, ask random coaches for drills, watch elite vaulters and copy thier drills, hell, make up your own drills! The fastest way to jump high in your first few years of vaulting is to do as many drills as you can. Wheather they be high bar drills, rope drills, straight pole drills, visualization drills, or any other damn drill you can think of. You should spend twice as much time doing drills as you spend jumping from a long run in your first 2-3 years of the sport. It's amazing how quickly a drill will show up in your vault w/o even thinking about it if you're do the drill every day for a week or two.

So to answer your question about help, i don't even know your problem. But make up, ask for, look up, steal, cheat, or do anything you need to do to find a drill that that you feel will correct the problem and do them every day and your problem will one day eventually vanish. Plus you'll probably learn a lot more good habits along the way.

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