Callous's on hands. Chalk users
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:15 pm
Hi there.
I am after a little help from anyone who has the same problem as me. I am a chalk user and use it with white tape. However I get really bad callous's or hard dry skin on my hands which quite often splits everytime I jump (painful). I have tried alot of things including: soaking in hot water then using a pumice stone to file it down, cutting of the hard skin with a special knife that was given to me by a medical centre, endless amounts of creams. I was wondering if anyone out there has this problem and has come up with a solution. It could be anything there has to be something out there that helps no matter how crazy. cheers guys
I am after a little help from anyone who has the same problem as me. I am a chalk user and use it with white tape. However I get really bad callous's or hard dry skin on my hands which quite often splits everytime I jump (painful). I have tried alot of things including: soaking in hot water then using a pumice stone to file it down, cutting of the hard skin with a special knife that was given to me by a medical centre, endless amounts of creams. I was wondering if anyone out there has this problem and has come up with a solution. It could be anything there has to be something out there that helps no matter how crazy. cheers guys