
A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Sat Sep 20, 2003 12:51 am

So Sean and Steve just left........... watch out for the pole that would NOT die (Jeremy you WILL love this)!!! They spent the nite, had a few beers, watched vids til after 1:00 ( I went to work at 7:30 they slept til after 10:30) and they got a good hours worth of "plant video"............we tried to break a pole in the mach...........the key word here is tried, man did we try, ball pean hammer, BIG sciccors, I even poked a hole all the way through the glass........and it would NOT break!! Fianlly I got frustrated and beat it into submission so they could get a "break" on film. You will have to see it for yourself...........Keep an eye out for Neovault2!!! No release date set but if you thought their first effort rocked part 2 will blow your mind!!!

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tim hutzley
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Unread postby tim hutzley » Sun Sep 21, 2003 7:35 pm

If your looking for any wicked good songs "tear away" by drowning pool would be cool.

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