pole vaulting and your character

A forum to discuss anything that has to do with pole vaulting that does not fit in the other forums.

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Unread postby Barto » Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:08 pm

We look for certain general strength levels such as 30 push ups in 30 seconds and 10 pullups in 30 seconds. Those are pretty good starting points for an aspiring DI vaulter.

If you are into the weight room:

high school girls
Bench 100% of Body weight
Clean 100% of Body weight
Squat 150% of Body weight

college women
Bench 125% of Body weight
Clean 125% of Body weight
Squat 200% of Body weight

Those marks are not going to guarantee success, but they do greatly improve the odds. ;)


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strenght for body weight ratio

Unread postby ~jj~ » Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:25 pm

A real simple test is to develop a weight lifting program, and keep track of your personal best lifts in each lift, and your body weight. For instance you might do the follwing lifts:
Incline press, Arm curls, power cleans and leg press. Find your maxium in each lift and then divide by your body weight.
So if you weighed 130 pounds and you could incline 140, Power clean 140, arm curl 95, and leg press 250.....your total would be 625 pounds divided by your body weight (130) for a STB Ratio of 4.80. Note that is your body weight goes up your ratio goes down. If your BW goes down but your strength goes up then your ratio increases. This is why strong- lean people excell at pole vaulting.
I have kept trac of these types of numbers for over 30 years in my coaching. The relationship between the SFBW and pole vaulting ability is very high.
Ps. Ya might go to www.skyjumpers.com and click the training button on our home page. You will see a report of our training activities that is up-dated every couple of weeks. The entire program is based upon improving the SFBW.

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Unread postby ennairb » Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:46 pm

high school girls
Bench 100% of Body weight
Clean 100% of Body weight
Squat 150% of Body weight

Quick question :) Are we talking like benching your body weight or cleaning your body weight just for 1 rep ... or are we talking like 6 reps?
"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up - these are the best days of our lives. The only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll finally get it right."

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just one rep

Unread postby ~jj~ » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:04 pm

Yes! Just one rep. You will need to train using many sets and reps combinations as show on the weight lifting percentage basis chart on my site. But ultimalty you are only interested in improving your personal best for each lift for just one rep in each of those lifts. One rep strength is by the way one portion of the power equation. The other portions are your body weight, and of course speed.

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