Whos yo coach?

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Unread postby Vaulterchick88 » Thu Jul 31, 2003 1:24 am

Vaulterchick88 wrote:My coach was Lt. Matt Anderson, he was awesome, he was always there when we wanted to practice on weekends and stayed everyday til 6 at least, but since he's in the Navy he just got moved to Washington DC. I give him a 9 because he didn't tell some of us he was leaving until halfway through the season. :) but in the end he's right, we're all one big family, so... he'll still be there. Our other coach is Sue, she doen't get a rating yet because we'll have to see how she does next year.

okay i know i said i couldn't rate my new coach yet, but is there a negative rating? i know, i know mean, but honestly she's not even a pv coach she's a hurdle, coach, and not even very good at that. she has no clue what she's talking about so it's really hard to know what i'm doing wrong, and at practice, there are only two of us that show up and she wants us to do pop-ups, over, and over, and over and she doesn't realize it's like 95 degrees outside, and we need a break. it's just really frustrating because she tries, but she's never vaulted and she just really has no idea whatsoever what she's talking about so it's really hard to improve. ah well c'est la vie n'est pas? i guess i'll just make the best of the situation.

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Thu Jul 31, 2003 2:23 am

well in my first year in college i had a year w/ a complete idiot distance coach, we didnt practice indoor. And out door we were allowed to practice after 50 hills. It was a nightmare! :crying: But my prayers were answered he was fired and we got the coolest pv coach from johnson county as our head coach haha! it all worked out! We still were regional champs and made 2 time all-american so watch out next year!
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Parental Advice

Unread postby Decamouse » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:54 am

Just listen to your father grasshopper - his knowledge will enlighten O:-)
Plant like crap sometimes ok most times

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Thu Jul 31, 2003 12:33 pm

He cant be in kansas to help me, so no dice there. but we got a good pv coach as our head coach so no worries!
On a whole new level 6-20-09

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