ii embarrassment !!

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ii embarrassment !!

Unread postby PvaultinGirl » Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:46 pm

:o okay, the other day i had my first meet of the outdoor season and it was terrible. after a season of absolutly NO practice and placing fourth in the state, i managed to do the worst i have done in two years at the meet. i was the only girl and all i had to do is clear opening height (wich was 2.5 ft under my PR) and i managed to totally blow it and scratch out. i'm really shocked at myself and my coach was fuming mad at me. Does anyone else ever have days like these....or am i just weird? lol :(
POLE VAULTING....Fear is NOT and option!


Unread postby zack » Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:37 pm

Everybody has days like that. You just have to forget about it and move one.

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Unread postby Decamouse » Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:23 am

How about a NH at NCAA's your senior year - one of those days
Plant like crap sometimes ok most times

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:06 am

Use your bad days to make you stronger and tougher.

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Unread postby Cpvault » Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:37 pm

The pole vault is a fickle thing:

--Bubka No heighted at the Olympics in 1992
--Jeff Hartwig No heighted in the 2000 Olympic Trial Prelims

It happens.

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Unread postby AdrianVaulting » Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:31 pm

Well think about this a guy at my High School every year in high school 9-11th went to staes in pole vault and his senoir year he failed to qualify for State at regionals :P

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Unread postby Carolina21 » Wed Apr 09, 2003 12:07 am

Be upset for a little bit and then prepare for your next meet. I can't think of any good vaulter who hasn't blown it at some big meet in their lifetime, the sucessful people just keep their heads up and move on to the next meet. Try to understand what you did worng and caused you to fail, and next time work to ensure that doesn't happen again.
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Unread postby skyin' pimp » Wed Apr 09, 2003 1:20 am

this one day, at pole vault camp.... well, let say the pole was not my friend
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Unread postby PvaultinGirl » Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:29 pm

whew! thanks...good to know that everyone has one of those days every once in a while. i was worried that i was just doing something terribly wrong or something. plus my friends were all teasing me and asking me why i did so horrible. i hate being told that i did bad when my friends have never even touched a pv pole or played a sport.
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Unread postby keelowman » Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:24 pm

I had one of those days, when I just started vaulting. Half way through the meet I wasn't doing so good. Another vaulter told me that I was starting my run to fast, and to start slower. Go slow to fast you know what I mean. Well I really didn't think it would hurt to try, so my last attempt I started slow and ran to fast (on 14' 170) Well it affected my step so much that I took off on my right foot ( I am right handed) and the pole flung me into the 6th lane of the track about 15 feet to the right. Not good.
ahh San Diego: women, sun , beaches, pole vault, what else do you need.

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oh I know...

Unread postby AmyPoleVault » Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:13 am

My sophomore, and Junior year in High school I only jumped my opening bar at the state meet... that’s no fun.
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Unread postby vaultin chris » Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:10 pm

at state my senior year me and Jomrus were lookin thru a media guide and we got to the pole vault finishers the previous year. We saw a pic of the top 8 on the podium and we were makin fun of these two guys who had to share a step on the podium. That day we both cleared 14 feet on the our first attempt and failed to clear 14'6''. That height was enought for us to share a 4th place and share a step on the podium. I guess thats what we get for talking about those guys from the year before.
Chris Smith

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