need some advice

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need some advice

Unread postby RoySloppy » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:27 pm

uhh ok my track team has one coach. we are quite successful with him cause we won the league championship and district championship last year and went undefeated. but heres the problem. i am a 12 6 vaulter, im a junior in high school, and i got most of the 12 6 on my own, my coach really didnt have much time to work with me, but he ddi his best. last year i was the only vaulter but now theres 4 more kids who want to do it. so now i have the responsibility of teaching and coaching these kids. i really dont have a problem with this but it is takin away from my training. is there any way i could split these kids up or could you give me some drills that like maybe 2 kids could be doin by themselves that dostn really require that much coaching while i work with the others? i would appreciate if you gave me some advice.
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Robert schmitt
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:52 pm

There are only four kids I wouldn't split them up. If I were you I would say ok I'm going to jump after Jimmy or who ever then just watch them do there drills and jump in line after jimmy. If they are just learning they shouldn't be doing much more thatn pop-ups and one handers any way. So it is not difficult to se if they didn't jump of the ground, keep thier top arm or trail leg straight.

I'm just recommending this because in the past when I've sent kids that are learning to do drills easy drills 3step plants etc... they come back with a bad habit that I have to spend twice as long getting them to unlearn.
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