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Bruce Caldwell
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Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:35 am

achtungpv wrote:At a District meet last season, a freshman girl cleared 7'0" easily, but didn't throw her pole back. The pole slide along the bar and ended up resting against the left standard. She got out of the pit and grabbed her own pole. The bar wasn't about to fall. She was just getting her own pole because there was no one there to catch it. The official called it a miss since she "caught" her own pole.

Where is that in the rule book ??? LOL

Ok I stand corrected there is a rule and it is located at NFHS 2004 page 63 rule 7-5 art 25

NO person shall be allowed to touch the vaulting pole unless it is falling back and away from the crossbar. If there is a tailwind that might cause a properly released pole to fall forward, the referee should appoint an ofiicial and authorize him/her to catch the pole after it has been properly released.

I guess if you wanted to penalize the athletes for all the hard work one could read into it this foul???
Last edited by Bruce Caldwell on Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby blazerunner121 » Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:29 am

PVJunkie wrote:

If what I am reading here is either stopped and did not jump and the pole passed under the bar and did not touch anything. In these 2 cases NEITHER is a miss....

the first was what i was saying. and thanks for verifying it. I knew it was strange and weird thing to call a miss when my pole didn't touch anything and passed under bar. next time it happens, i'm going to go up and say somthing w/coach.

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Jun 11, 2004 11:38 am

7-5-29 d. in the 04 NHFS rule book (and this rule has not changed for quite a while)

It is a foul if the competitor:

d. Allows any part of his/her body or the pole to touch the ground or the landing system beyond the vertical plane of the top of the stopboard, without clearing the bar.

The key words here are TOUCH and BEYOND.............if the pole went under the bar but did not contact (touch) anything you are still on the clock to complete your jump. The beyond is important in that the sections of pit in FRONT of the vert edge of the box are free can touch, sit, jump up and down etc etc long as you do not touch somthing beyond the back edge of the box or run out of time. I see this rule misinterp often as you cant touch the pit at all..........that is not true, as you can see.

Rules lesson #???

bring them on.....lets get educated, make sure to identify what gov body we are talking about, each one is a little different.

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