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Give Me Some Feedback

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:45 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Tell me one thing you like about this message board, and one thing you don't like.

Feedback helps me! :) Although keep in mind that I might not be able to change whatever it is you don't like. But that's OK I want to know anyway :yes:

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:52 pm
by nzsprinter
hmmmm one thing i like and don't like.
Well i like it because it is very easy to use and there is soo many pole vaulters posting things on here, unlike other forums.
One thing i dislike: i really don't dislike anything yet, but i'll reply if i do


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 10:54 pm
by xtremevaulter
Everything so far is great. The only thing is that you need to make a really cool icon and maybe change some of the color patterns

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:27 pm
by Robert schmitt
meters to feet calculator or chart :)

heh...just giving you a hard time

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:39 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Robert schmitt wrote:meters to feet calculator or chart :)

heh...just giving you a hard time

Haha that is pretty low on my priority list of things for the website... but I will keep it in mind ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:09 pm
by Azbeachboy1
A convertion chart would be sweet. I think having a live chat would be pretty sweet too. You could set up time and dates for chats and each chat could have a topic at hand. If enogh people were on it would be pretty sweet. I could talk forever! Wait till the indoor season starts! It will expload. Overall, I really love thelook of the whole site, not to mention all the smily faces! :) :( :o :D :mad: :dazed: :P ;) :eek: :confused: O:-) :crying: :devil: hehe yeah!!!!

Re: Give Me Some Feedback

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 12:45 pm
by PVDad
rainbowgirl28 wrote:Feedback helps me! :)

Becca, I think you're doing a great job and I think this could grow into a major venue for all of you fantastic athletes.


Re: Give Me Some Feedback

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 7:12 pm
by rainbowgirl28
JHEM wrote:
Becca, I think you're doing a great job and I think this could grow into a major venue for all of you fantastic athletes.

Thank you! :rose:

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 9:24 pm
by wacky274
lol, yeah, i've been on the site for about a month now and no complaints yet....the conversion chart does sound like a sweet idea though, i'd have to agree with that

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 9:43 pm
by rainbowgirl28
wacky274 wrote:lol, yeah, i've been on the site for about a month now and no complaints yet....the conversion chart does sound like a sweet idea though, i'd have to agree with that

I HAVE one now I just need to work on posting it ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 11:28 pm
by wacky274
lol, ok, oops....just le tme knwo when you get it up

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 12:58 am
by VaultFreak
Yeah, a live chat thing would be cool. I love how all these different vaulters are so involved with it. We can talk and feed off of each other, I just don't like how it's not finished yet! (just kidding).