spencershade wrote: My problem is even when my takeoff is on my mark and I get a big C stretch my swing never takes my hips up. ... I downswing hard and try to continue it but I just get stuck in a ball/V position. My biggest question is what should I do to properly connect the stretch to the swing so I can get high hips before inversion? And what should the upper body/hips be doing while the legs swing?
Spencer, these are all good questions. I'll try to answer them one at a time ...
spencershade wrote: My problem is even when my takeoff is on my mark and I get a big C stretch my swing never takes my hips up. ... I downswing hard and try to continue it but I just get stuck in a ball/V position.
First, your takeoff is slightly under. Really not enough to hinder your technique too much, but especially on a 3-lefts run, you should be able to get a free takeoff. It's easier to do this on a 3-lefts drill than on a longer run. So work on that, if you're limiting yourself to 3-lefts. You will then find it easier to get a free takeoff on longer runs.
On a longer run (like 5, 7, or 9 lefts), you will find it easier to teach yourself the takeoff/stretch/downswing. Done right, you will have a slightly higher grip, and slightly more time to do everything in the takeoff/stretch/downswing that needs to be done. But before doing any of this on the pole, you need to work on the highbar doing exactly the same technique. Solving exactly the same problem - that being continue the downswing so that your hips actually continue rotating, all the way to being ready to extend. If you can't do this on the highbar, you will continue to have difficulty doing this on the pole - no matter how many lefts your run is.
An elite vaulter can do all this on a 3-lefts run, but that's because they can also do it on a long run (competition vaults). But if your PR is only 13-6 (according to your profile), and your grip is significantly lower than what you gripped for your PR, then you just don't have time to stretch and swing properly.
Having said the above, you're still doing a couple things wrong. Try this on a 5, 7, or 9-left run (after learning how to swing properly on a highbar) - you shouldn't need any more than 9-lefts to have the grip and the time to do this properly ...
1. Drive your chest forwards and up, and at the same time, stretch and straighten your trail leg behind you. On the vid, your trail leg is straight on takeoff (of course), but then you're letting it bend. You need to keep it straight.
2. Don't hesitate in the C. As soon as you get to the C, you need to pop out of it, and then swing like hell (vigorously). So it's sort of a bounce - stretch into the C, then immediately pop out of it, by driving your trail leg down and then forward (a circular motion). At the same time, your chest should go from "stretched" to "hollowed". On the vid, I see a definite pause after you hit the C position. There should only be one frame on the vid that shows the C. Right now I count at least 4 frames in the C.
This technique can also be learned on a highbar. What you do is jog up to the highbar, reach up and grab it, and drive your chest forwards and up. Now as soon as you feel your full weight hanging on the bar, get that trail leg moving. Instantly. Pop! From there, as you swing your trail leg, you can "row" with your arms until your body is in a ball under the highbar (but your hips are up - above your shoulders but below your hands). From this "ball" position, you are ready to extend. But don't extend, because the highbar is in the way. So just stop the drill at that point, but *imagine* the point in time when you *would* extend.
When I say it's OK to "row" here, I'm saying that rowing isn't as bad as the "dreaded V" - as you're learning. Once you start swinging the hips up quicker and smoother, you will find that you can row less. But until you get a better swing, it's better to row than to get stuck in the V.
spencershade wrote: I just get stuck in a ball/V position.
This V position (with hips down instead of up) is because of all the things I explained above (too low of a grip; too much pause; not vigorous enough of a downswing). Done right, you will end up in a "ball" position with your hips above your shoulders, instead of below your shoulders.
spencershade wrote: My biggest question is what should I do to properly connect the stretch to the swing so I can get high hips before inversion?
Just a slight wording change re "inversion". The *inversion* should already have happened, by swinging your legs and hips up to the "ball". So you will already have an inversion when the hips are up.
I think what you mean (what you should really be asking) is:
what should I do to properly connect the stretch to the swing so I can get high hips before the extension?
To answer this newly worded question, the stretch comes before the swing, and the hips should be swinging along with the legs.
spencershade wrote: what should the upper body/hips be doing while the legs swing?
Another slight wording change - you should be asking:
spencershade wrote: what should the upper body be doing while the legs and hips swing?
While the lower body is swinging (trail leg foot; trail leg; hips), the upper body (chest; shoulders; hands) should also be moving in unison. So your upper body position should change from a stretch to a hollow chest. Perhaps think of this as going from a "C" to a "reverse C". In the C, your chest is stretched. In the reverse C, your chest is hollow.