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making some progress

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:57 pm
by bzugar

pole 14'7" 165 pacerfx
grip 13'6"
step 81'
bungee 14'
standards 21
athlete 6'2" 152lbs

this is the most recent practice i have. my coach and i have been working on my jump alot and this is the result so far. any critiques would be greatly appreciated

Re: making some progress

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:48 am
by coachjvinson

I really like what I am seeing in your vaults...

your run, plant, takeoff and trail leg swing look strong... (even stronger than before)

My feedback may sound familiar -

from the run, grip and pole #s in this video, the pole recoil is happening before you are inverted...

what is the solution???

stronger swing... yes (always a goal)

softer pole, same grip and run.... yes, if you invert
a SLIGHT increase in grip on the same pole will soften it up a bit and give you more time to invert.

It's kind of like learning a backflip on the trampoline - you are going to have to commit to getting upside down...

You SHOULD be able to do this from 3/4 lefts with the appropriate pole/grip -

I am certain that you can from 6 lefts, just "warm up" and gain confidence from your shorter run...

straight pole 3L popups "fully inverted" - "right hand/right pocket"


Re: making some progress

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:27 pm
by coachjvinson
coachjvinson wrote:softer pole, same grip and run....

I would clarify...

Specifically, 1.0 +/- softer in flex...

What is your pole selection? brand length and flex #s -
...specifically flex #s as weight ratings are subjective and too variable

Do you have a good pole selection for your 4L vaults?

This vaulter was vaulting from 4Ls grip was 13'3ish bar was 12'6" - he cleared 13' early this summer from 4 lefts and has the potential to clear 13'6"+ from 4Ls - (he is 6'2" #160 - close to your stats...)
Make sure you start with a reasonable grip for your ability - the more that you refine your take off, swing and timing - the more you will blow through your grip/pole... then you can adjust and increase by the inch

We also spend alot of time and effort on 6Ls and 8/9Ls
The spacial awareness to develop a sound and safe inversion and top end happens from the "easy" grips and runs...IMHO
THEN... we work on the progressions to the bigger sticks, grips and runs...
Keep good notes in your journal - RUN/POLE/GRIP from 3Ls/4Ls/6Ls/8Ls at a minimum...

Screen shot 2013-10-09 at 6.54.51 PM.png
Screen shot 2013-10-09 at 6.54.51 PM.png (177.41 KiB) Viewed 8985 times

Notice the "right hand right pocket" - He could still invert more and look at the bar less...
The pole vault is mastered skill by skill one victory at a time...


Re: making some progress

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:33 pm
by bzugar
i have quite a wide array of poles available to me, not entirely sure exact #s right now but basically most poles in the 13'7-14'7 150-185 pacerfx, skypole, and spirit range