Body Positioning

This is a forum to discuss advanced pole vaulting techniques. If you are in high school you should probably not be posting or replying to topics here, but do read and learn.
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Body Positioning

Unread postby RunFastJumpHigh » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:46 pm

When the pole has reached it's maximum bend, what position should the vaulter's body be in?

When the pole is completely straight, what position should the vaulter's body be in? (or when the potential energy from the release of the pole has completely transfered into kinetic energy and momentum takes over)

Pictures would be great

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Unread postby bel142 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:04 am

When the pole is in maximum bend the vaulter sould be in a 'bubka' position, so that as the pole unbends the sholders can drop and pole can take them upward.

In a perfect world every vaulter would like to have his feet over his hips, over is sholders over his head, comming vertical off the pole, like the vaulter is trying to go up a Hula hoop over the pole.

Currently a very good vaulter who would be a good example of this is Giuseppe Gibilisco

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Unread postby altius » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:18 am

Take a look at pages 52 and 174 in BTB2 -all your questions will be answered with the images shown there. :idea: :yes:
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:50 am

The vaulter should be swinging his/her butt off, trying to make the pole bend even more. You should have your trail leg straight and swinging just about parallel with the ground. The whole point is to do this well enough that the pole is too soft for you. Dont try to make your body work in a certain way for a certain pole, do things fast enough and find a bigger pole that works for your body. Do things as fast and as well as you can, and go up poles when you need to. If you are trying to do things at a certain time on a certain pole while it is bending and unbending, chances are you are limiting how much energy you could be putting into the pole. If bubka had the ability to, he would have been completely inverted during maximum bend, and blown through the poles he was on. See what im saying? ;)
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