Barto wrote:Ever think that Peter McGinnis might know more about pole vaulting than Vitaly?
What do you mean by know more? If all your knowledge is incorrect but you know a lot of it, does that mean you know more? I'm not saying McGinnis is wrong I'm just trying to clarify.
Example: I have two friends one has a PhD in mechanical Engineering the other just graduated HS (I think but maybe not). The one with the PhD has vast knowledge of how things work and should work. But when asked to do a simple task such as building a simple box, it looks as though a 3rd grader made it. Now my other friend on the other hand has virtually know education and certainly no higher education. But is able to fabricate almost anything as well as design/invent tools to help him preform his trade. Now if I were getting ready to build something who would I seek advice from???
Now to relate this story.
If I wanted to coach a world record who would I seek advice from???
This begins at the pole strike and continues only briefly into the follow through phase, until about 0.20 s after takeoff. The
force exerted against the pole by the lower hand greatly reduces the compressive force necessary to bend the pole. Although
the pushing action of the lower hand is instrumental in initiating the pole bend, it also slows down the rotation of the vaulter.
So, the pushing action only occurs for a brief period of time. Shorter vaulters may have to push more than taller vaulters."
I believe this a mistake. It may happen but it shouldn't.
By the way I have no "beef" with Peter McGinnis. I am sure he is a good coach but I really have no idea. But Petrov is the best coach in the world.