david bussabarger wrote: Even if Pennel stated he pushed out with the lower arm during the take off the visual evidence disputes this. Just compare his lower arm action and positioning with any modern vaulter who truly stiff arms the pole ( the 2015 version of Lavillenie is a good example ). Vaulters often try to do things technically and fail to actually do them. So just because Pennel said he tried to push with the lower arm during the take off doesn't mean he succeeded in doing it. You have a consistent pattern of ignoring empirical evidence. Unfortunately I can see that this discussion has, as usual, devolved to the pointless level of ad hominem attacks and so will discontinue my input at this time.
... the swing or hang technique of John Pennel who, at take-off, shows a distinct turning away from the cross bar of the right shoulder at the termination of the plant and a pronounced application of pressure to the pole with the left arm while he CONTINUES TO HANG VERY LOW ON THE POLE."
do you trust objective visual analysis ( what scientists call empirical evidence )
KirkB wrote: If John Pennel said he pushed with his bottom arm, then he pushed with his bottom arm. It's not even him just stating his INTENT. It's him stating what he DID.
Or are you suggesting that Pennel literally didn't know what he was doing?That he thought he was pushing but he really wasn't?
david bussabarger wrote: I agree that this discussion diverges from the original topic but Bryde brought up it and I think his position that statements given by Pennel, Ganslen, etc... alone prove his point is absurd.
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