Are many of you overanalyling?

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Are many of you overanalyling?

Unread postby GeorgeN » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:46 pm

I think I discussed this before, but if you have the desire to vault, and if you have the ability to vault ( physical and psychological), then you will vault.
I never discussed vaulting as much as I have seen on this site. If you have desire and ability, you WILL.
If you lack desire and/or ability, you look for all excuses as to why you are not acheiving greater heights.
Run fast, plant high, jump hard, work hard.
That is 99% of what it takes to vault. I think many on this site have lost sight of what it takes to vault.
Just do it!
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Unread postby VaultMarq26 » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:02 pm

If people could "just do it" we won't need this site. There is a difference between knowing WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and ACTUALLY doing it. This site helps bridge the gap for many athletes.

At the very least, this site is a place where we can talk about something we love.

This site may not have every answer there is to every pole vault question, but it has been helpful to me. I am sure many other vaulters have found some benefit in the posts here.

Telling a beginning vaulter to "just do it" will do nothing but cause frustration and injury: two things that this site tries to curb.
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Unread postby lonestar » Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:25 pm

Desire and ability ARE important, and the DESIRE to gain knowledge and insight about proper training, technique, diet, injury rehabilitation, camp opportunities, competition opportunities, and resources for all of the above give the vaulter better odds at realizing their ABILITY.

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Unread postby Cooleo111 » Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:26 pm

Run fast, plant high, jump hard, work hard.
That is 99% of what it takes to vault. I think many on this site have lost sight of what it takes to vault.
Just do it!

So that takes part of some of the "what", but I think that most people on this site are looking for the "how"....

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Unread postby VaultMarq26 » Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:49 pm

Cooleo111 wrote:
Run fast, plant high, jump hard, work hard.
That is 99% of what it takes to vault. I think many on this site have lost sight of what it takes to vault.
Just do it!

So that takes part of some of the "what", but I think that most people on this site are looking for the "how"....

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Unread postby ec1vaulter » Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:30 am

This site is designed as a community for us to join together and discuss an event that we love. The more you know about the sport the better the sport as a whole becomes. Any one person will only take from the forum what he/she wishes to. The main thing is that you have a place to come to and talk about pole vaulting. Sites like,, and are great but they focus heavily on distance running and somewhat on sprints. This is a place for pole vaulting. There will always be athletes who overanalyze, but the majority get just the information they are seeking.
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Unread postby altius » Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:38 am

So GeorgeN - can you confirm that your instructions to a vaulter, of any level, re the run up - would simply be "RUN FAST"!

Thats it - no other information, practice, drills - the stuff some of us are complicating the event with?!?

If this is not the case, can you please give us an outline of what training you would propose if by some magic the 16 ' vaulter you referred to in an earlier post did actually ask you to coach them? We are all here to learn, so please enlighten us. :idea: :yes:
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Unread postby bvpv07 » Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:20 am

ec1vaulter wrote:Sites like . . . . . . are great but they focus heavily on distance running and somewhat on sprints.

Sorry to divert the topic...but that's definitely the focus of :P ;)
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:52 am

I do believe that coaches and athletes can overanalyze the vault, but only when their background knowledge and studies arent strong enough to understand the vault in the detail they are trying to. For instance, if a high school vaulter starts thinking about how much energy he or she will need and how to get it to be able to get on a bigger pole, they can confuse themselves, and end up syking themselves out. Otherwise this site is just helping us to apply what we already know about physics and human ability.

OK so lets assume we are all overanalyzing....
we will continue to analyze the vault and apply it to become better, with the basic principles like
Run fast, plant high, jump hard, work hard.
. How is this possiblly bad for our jumping ability? If you dont want to seek out the knowledge to help your vaulters, be my guest and dont read helpful tips on here. Just be sure to have your vaulters wear a helmet.
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Unread postby MightyMouse » Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:44 am

Run fast, plant high, jump hard, work hard.

But HOW do you run fast, HOW do you plant High, WHAT do you work hard at.
Those are the questions this forum answers (or tries to)

* although Im at a loss for what "jumping hard" is
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Mon Oct 16, 2006 6:08 pm

Syracuse NY.... man that brings back the good ol' days :). lol off subject but yea.... i think george means take off powerfully and in an out-upward angle when he says "jump hard". Its a lot easier to understand when you say "powerfully and outwards as well as upward" than just "jump hard".
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Over analyze

Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:14 pm

GeorgeN normally I wouldn't comment on a post such as this, but I believe this requires a comment. It is clearly not possible to over analyze the vault. It is however very common to see people mis-analyze the vault. If your goal is to (either youself or your athletes) is to run down the runway, get off the ground and ride your pole into the pit, then you approach is completely adequate. However, if you goal is to bring your athletes to their absolute best then it isn't adequate. Remember Bubka is extremely thankful that Petrov went to the extreme in his analysis of the vault, as many of us are. It is extremely important that the analytical dialogue continue! However the language that is displayed on these forums do not necessarily translate to a language that can help the athletes during practices. For an athlete to maximize his/her abilities you cannot be successful as a coach by filling their heads with philosophy! You have to be able to reduce the vault model to "actionable" terms that embody and implement the required biomechanical movement that compliment and support the model that you as a coach have helped the athlete to understand. So the "over analysis" of the vault that you experience on these pages are vital and necessary to the health of the vault community! One grave danger is to over simplify. A perfect example is "run fast" . Fast is a relative term and does not describe the correct way to run or how to run fast. It brings to mind the tortise and the hare. That was a really fast tortise the races and really fast hare!!!! What's the comparison?? So viva the analysis!!!

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