What should i do? Diagnosis Please?!

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What should i do? Diagnosis Please?!

Unread postby izzystikchik » Sat May 07, 2005 8:28 pm

Ok, this is for you experienced vaulters/coaches who have had to make a last minute pole change due to the athletes bettered abilities.

This is my situation, this year i started off on a 135 12 foot pole, as time progressed and my form bettered, the pole became to soft and i didn't get enough of a rebound from it. Note that I couldn't grip any higher than 11 feet because of this lazy bend from the pole.
So, my coaches invest in another pole it is 6 inches longer (135lb 12'6'') i've been on this pole for awhile now about 3 months. And now recently, especially my last couple practices and yesterday's meet, my speed is good, my plant is 98% perfect, i've finally topped out on the pole,
But so get this, yesterday at 6 lefts, i kept hitting the cross bar on the way up and my standards kept getting pushed back for every one of my attepts!! They ended up being 30+!!! When i'm normally at 22-26, but lately i've been getting such a nice extended body that the pole speed is so fast and rolls so quick that i don't have time to take advantage of every part of my swing and i barely have time to get on top of this pole...do you think i have a slow trail leg,? And the pole is not in anyway over bending, it just moves really quick and shoots me out instead of up.. :confused:

So, should a pole change be made? Or is this a matter of tweaking my form? I was thinking as a means of getting more time on my swing, i should raise my grip, but seeing as i don't have any more room to move up and i don't have a longer pole to move on necessarily i'm not sure what to do.

Our school has a 140 lb 13 footer Pacer, but is that too big of a jumpfrom my 135lb 12'6''mystic?

I may purchase a longer pole, 135lb 13 footer, or a stiffer pole same length, 140 12'6'' probably both mystics
.....Please help, any suggestions would be great, sorry this is so long, and i know that its easier to diagnose somebody's problem in person, but i'm at my wits end; Sectionals and State are near by and this change maybe the thing i've been waiting for cause i'm so cabable of something bigger i KNOW IT!!...

Thanks so much,
Liz W. aka izzystikchik

p.s. oh yeah, i'm a 5'6'' girl that weighs 133-134lbs on average if that should help any...

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Unread postby blakedow » Sun May 08, 2005 8:10 pm

You are just blowing through the pole, it definitely isnt a bad thing... I would just get another pole, more than likely the 12'6'' 140 especially if and when they weigh you in at meets... If the pole feels like it is opening up too quickly, then you are probably undergripped... As your plant and takeoff gets better, so does the height at which you can grip... You are either just killing the pole or you are jumping way over your grip, both of which are good problems to have... I would try gripping up, inch by inch, and if you continue to blow through then I would just break down and buy a bigger pole... But having your standards way back is better than way up, you will land deeper in the pit and not in the box...
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Unread postby lonestar » Sun May 08, 2005 8:58 pm

Sounds like you're undergripped if you're landing deep and not bending the pole a lot. You have 2 options: 1) get a longer pole - the equivalent pole to a 12'6 135 would be a 13' 125 - that or a 13' 130 would probably work 2) shorten your approach - if you're running 6 lefts, move in 11 shoes and you'll be at 5 lefts and the pole might work a little better
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Unread postby master » Sun May 08, 2005 9:45 pm

Post some video if you can? :confused:

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Unread postby izzystikchik » Mon May 09, 2005 7:28 am

Thanks guys!!! This helps a lot.

My coach and i had a conversation over telephone yesterday, and he wants to see me jump once more before he goes ahead and makes the decision, and this won't be a problem because a new pole comes over nite.

Master, I would post video but i don't have a video camera :( It died due to having spent most of its life taping my pv stuff for the past couple of years..long story on how it died though..... :confused:

blakedow and lonestar...thanks for the insights, i was considering moving in a left the other day but i want to stay at a longer run so i can move up a pole, but if ever i can't get a new one, thats definately a move i will make ;) I agree now that i think about it that i am undergripped...i'll let you know, if you're interested that is, if we do make an investment in a pole....

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Unread postby izzystikchik » Wed May 11, 2005 10:04 am

Ok, well yesterday, the new pole came in, my coach got a 140lb 12'6'' pole.....sweet ride!!

I'm kinda going a little backwards concerning my technique, when jumping on this pole, it definately has a slight more resistance, so this pole will most likely serve me in those adreniline situations, but for now i'll practice on my softer pole to serve as an outlet for practicing on staying balanced while vertical... ;)

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Unread postby altius » Thu May 19, 2005 3:34 pm

If your plant is 98% perfect as you say - you should be jumping on a pole AT LEAST 20 pounds above your body weight. It also sounds as though you could grip up with safety. But push up pole stiffness first so you continue to develop the rthym of the full vault.
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