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When to pull down?
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:09 pm
by KCpolevault
Are you supposed to pull down once you've completed your swing and brought the pole to your ankles? Or do you start to pull down after you drop your shoulders and get vertical? Also, do you pull down with your top hand, bottom hand or both?
Re: When to pull down?
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:32 pm
I guess it depends on what model your using but with PEtrov model I say it happens once you hit the "bubka position"... Probably a little before then. Try it on a high bar and try to pull to your chest, you instictively know when to start pulling... And the pull should be primarily through the bottom, I am sure the top arm has a role and does pull... But I think it's extremely to initiate and lead with the bottom hand.... But before you get to all of this you need to narrow your grip a little and re-align or make space....
Re: When to pull down?
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:43 pm
I guess it depends on what model your using but with PEtrov model I say it happens once you hit the "bubka position"... Probably a little before then. Try it on a high bar and try to pull to your chest, you instictively know when to start pulling... And the pull should be primarily through the bottom, I am sure the top arm has a role and does pull... But I think it's extremely to initiate and lead with the bottom hand.... But before you get to all of this you need to narrow your grip a little and re-align or make space....
Re: When to pull down?
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:25 am
by fishman4god
Pull with the bottom as soon as you get off the ground (no passive phases) if you delay and do not keep pressure on the pole you lose energy. Think of what you do when you stiff pole.............then do that with a pole that bends, remember to keep pressure on the pole throughout the entire vault.