LHSpolevault wrote: ... What we've done in our past couple meets to get him to jump was move his approach in to 4 lefts and have him grip down. It's worked fine and he's had 0 problems jumping and his takeoff is on, but whenever I move him back to 5 lefts he constantly runs through and won't give it a chance.
I assume he's using the same pole from 4 lefts and 5. What's he gripping for each run? If he's gripping the same, then he'll have a shorter chord from 5, meaning that he should be able to finish every attempt ... without fear of stalling. If anything, he might blow thru.
According to DJ's Mid Mark Chart, to clear 10-6, he should be gripping around 11-5. If he's gripping higher than that, then there's part of the problem ... maybe the biggest part of it. You've already discovered that things go better with a lower grip. Continue on that path.
If we can zero in on the parameters of each run length, then maybe we can figure this out. Do you notice any appreciable difference in his run, pole drop, and planting techniques between 4 and 5?
Meanwhile, keep his grip down. A game he could play is to lower the grip by 2 fingers each time he balks (or stalls out), and raise it by 1 finger each time he completes an attempt ... and lands in the PLZ. By continuing this game rigorously (no cheating!), he'll end up with the "
right grip". Psychologically, he'll WANT to complete each attempt ... and STRIVE to do so!