Jay wrote: ... Last meet i had a huge problem on just planting the pole a couple steps earlier. This is really hard to explain without a vid but i was holding the pole like i would at plant and running like that for a step or two before the actual plant should happen. Is their an easy way to fix this problem? ...
I underlined the part of your post that I would like to respond to.
If you ran as described, then that's your problem. Instead of "
holding the pole ... for a step or two", you should be gradually dropping the pole into the box. It should not stay held in a fixed position "
for a step or two". It's important to learn this at your 9-0 PR and (I assume) short run, becuz at a longer run, higher grip, and higher PR, every motion in the plant is going to speed up ... and the pole is going to feel heavier. You're essentially running in slo-mo now (compared to when you go higher), so now is the time to learn proper planting technique ... such as GRADUALLY letting the pole drop into the box. If it's STILL too fast for you, then WALK thru the planting motions a step at a time on the track ... using a towel as the box. Once you get a feel for the right motions, then gradually speed this up ... not before. Just remember that on each step, the pole tip drops a bit ... and your arms move up a bit. Don't hold it steady ... not even for a single step!