how long is your run from 7 lefts?

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how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby Russ » Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:28 pm

Hey, I'm curious about getting some info on a random sample of high school vaulters about the length of the approach run. Please state 1) the length of your run from 7 lefts; 2) your gender (M or F); and, 3) your PR.


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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby nitro » Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:53 pm

you picked the one run i havent run from in 4 years :confused: sorry i cant help
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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby GiVaulter09 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:20 pm

1) 90-91'

2) Male

3) 15'1
Grade - College Sophomore
PR - 5.00m - 16' 4.75"

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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby michaelcantu88 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:05 am

lets see male 85 inches pr of 14 3 on a 14 145 old pacer 3 im lil tho jus 5 10 130
leave nothing

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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby gymnastsrock » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:51 pm

1) 76'6"

2) Female

3) 10'
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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby dj » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:24 am

good morning

this is a good thread to understand the 'anatomy" of the approach run.. ladyvol started a thread on the approach run with this questions in it but it wasn't followed up..

go to the advanced post and look on the non -petrov.. i posted a chart that can help you with the beginning f your run up to the "MID".. from the 6 step mid in you should work on frequency and keep the length the same...

ps.. the chart

Let me give you an example of a 8 step approach for a 14 foot female..

Her “MID” was in the 44 foot range… her run was 94.. which means 50 feet for the first 10 (5 left) steps.. you can see her step by step patterns on the chart below under the 4.75 column. This gave here a “natural” acceleration.. from a “correct” posture, pole carry position…this is what I knew she would do during a meet and under pressure. So I “played” to adrenalin and speed, Natural speed, not control and inconsistency. She went from a PR of 12-7 to 13-7 in 3 months by correcting her run and pole carry.
1. 3’9 ¾ ”.....3’ 9 ¾ ”.......3’7”...........3’5”..........3’2 ¾ ”........3’0”
2. 4’2 ½”......8’ 0”..........7’7 ½”........7’2 ½ ”......6’9 ¾ ”.......6’4 ¾”
3. 4’9 ½”......12’ 9 ½“.....12’1 ½”.......11’6”........10’10 ½ ”.....10’2 ½
4. 5’2 ½”......18’ 0”........17’1”..........16’2 ½”......15’3 ¾ ”.....14’4 ¾
5. 5’7”........23’ 7”.........22’5”..........21’2 ¾ ”.....20’ ½ ”.......18’10
6. 5’11”...... 29’ 6”........28’ ¼ ”.........26’6 ½ ”.....25’ ¾ ”.......23’7 ¼
7. 6’2 ½”.....35’ 8 ½”......33’11”.........32’1 ½ ”.....30’4”.........28’6 ¼......
8. 6’5 ½”......42’ 2”........40’1”..........37’11”........35’10”........33’8 ½
9. 6’8”........48’ 10”........46’4 ½ ”.......43’11 ¼ ”....41’6”.........39’ ¼”......
10. 6’10”..... 55’ 8”..... ....52’10 ½ ”.....50’1”.........47’4”.........44’6......

i have actually put cones at all 16 steps... and had her run these on the track at full speed (for our sprint workout) and then run them with "relaxed" speed. It gave her a world class run...


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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby dj » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:34 am

by GiVaulter09 on Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:20 pm

1) 90-91'

2) Male

3) 15'1


your 6 step mid should be at 47-48 feet... 90 - 47 = 43 feet which puts your first 8 (4 lefts) on the first column of the chart.. i can't actually say you are over striding because all vaulters have "longer number (steps) during the first phase of the run than they would if they were sprinting for the blocks. How long should they be???? and what is too long??!! is a major question i haven't found a mathematical formula for..yet… maybe with this data in this thread i can find some answers that can be debated ..


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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby dj » Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:39 am

by gymnastsrock on Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:51 pm

1) 76'6"

2) Female

3) 10'


your 6 step "MID" should be 37-38.. 76-6 - 37-6 = 39 so your first 4 lefts (8 steps) should be close to the 4.50 column.. 1st step 3'7" second at 7'8" third at 12'2" from the start.. etc..


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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby PVTEXAN » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:30 am

Good morning DJ - since you are helping out individually in this thread, thought I'd better get in line :yes:

My son is a high school freshman (6'00" - 145lb.) and has jumped 14' consistently this year, gripping 13'06" on a 14' 170 Pacer FX. His 7-step run is from 92-93, but takes off under (10-10.5) too often and has had trouble progressing to bigger poles.

Based on his proposed MID (46) that would leave 46.5, but I don't know where to position it on the chart. We realize that his bar height potential is directly related to a correct run-up and we have the entire summer season to work on the specifics.

I really appreciate your willingness to share your time and experience; please know that it's greatly appreciated from a pole vault dad's perspective.

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Re: how long is your run from 7 lefts?

Unread postby tylerd1994 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:46 am

7 step

74 feet


10 feet

eigth grade

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