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Need advice on buying a longer pole

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:14 pm
by jkossow
I have a female vaulter who is currently on a 12' 135 pacer mystic with an 11' 6" handgrip right now. With the expectation of her improvement, she will need a longer pole and I want to buy it before the season starts. Would the next step up for her be a 13' 140 being that she begins to crush this 12' that she is on right now?

Re: Need advice on buying a longer pole

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:42 pm
by rainbowgirl28
A 13'140 is a lot bigger, check out this chart: ... table.html

I would recommend a 12'6 135, it would be about 10lbs bigger than what she has now.

12'6 poles are great, I highly recommend them for girls as a transition between 12's and 13's.