september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

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september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby PowerPlantNOW24 » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:42 pm

i havent trained hard or vaulted since january, is it to early to start doing short runs like 4 lefts and 3 step drills? i've been "out of the game" for the last two years, i vaulted at reno in january after training hard for 4 months, then due to certain circumstances had to call my season off. now its september and i've been working out for 2 months and getting back into shape, i am at my coach's house now doing bar work and starting to hit the track with some 100's and 200's, nothing to hard yet but my question is, is it to early to start doing some work on the runway? like 3 step drills or even short runs say 4 or 5 lefts? if i did it would be once a week.

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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby Barto » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:14 am

One session per week won't hurt.
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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby PowerPlantNOW24 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:05 am

i was thinking of doing mostly 3 step drills and long pole runs, maybe in the next few weeks i'll start running from a 6 left approach on a small pole? what do you think? should i wait until january to start vaulting from my long run? i am not sure

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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby PowerPlantNOW24 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:17 am

When is the best time to start my long runs? like 7 and 8 lefts? december? january?

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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:01 am

PowerPlantNOW24 wrote:When is the best time to start my long runs? like 7 and 8 lefts? december? january?

When is your season? How many years have you been vaulting?

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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby PowerPlantNOW24 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:43 pm

my season basically starts in early march, if you want to exclude reno, and i've been vaulting for 9 years

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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby KirkB » Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:22 pm

I'm curious how you got your user name? It's very close to Powerplant42. Was that intentional? It's just that we could easily confuse you two.

What is the significance of the "NOW" part of your name? And the "24"?

No big deal, just curious.
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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:37 pm

As am I.
It's just that we could easily confuse you two.

I don't think that will be a problem KB, I'll be the one disagreeing with you! ;) :P
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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby PowerPlantNOW24 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:08 pm

yes i "stole" it from powerplant42, i thought that was the best nickname ever lol. the now just refers to my inability to plant early and is used as a reminder...sorta...the 24 is random

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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby powerplant42 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:14 pm

I'm flattered!

I used to think that I had a pretty good 'powerful' planting motion (I never did, but whatever). That's where that came from. The 42 is a long story. Long long story. And it just happens to be '24' backwards... Just get a really bright avatar or something and we'll be able to differentiate ourselves very easily.

In response to your question, I will ask YOU a question... Why would anytime be too early to begin repeating the basics that are emphasized in a short run? (By the way, I'm still waiting for that short run/long run comparison Mr. Bryde!)
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Re: september to early to start doing short runs/3 step drills?

Unread postby Split » Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:06 pm

I thought powerplant got a new account.HA
But to answer the question, like powerplant42 said, its never to early.
Right now I'd be jumping too if my coach wasn't to busy with cross, and I could actually run without reagrivating my quad.
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