Don't mind Powerplant, he's not intentionally pompous. He's just a bit superlative in his tone. He means no harm, and is actually quite good at dishing out advice to guys like you. Hmm ... I seem to be AGREEING with him for a change!

chuckd1356 wrote:to collapse it in so my wrist is bent around the pole and my elbow is on the inside close to my body and ends up right in the center of my chest on inversion.
To me, this sounds overly complicated. I'm surprised at all the little things that you're trying to do here. I don't even know if I could do (or want to do) everything that you're trying to do. I don't mean to oversimplify this, but really, (in my experience), there's not much you need to think about doing with your bottom hand.
If you focus on what your top hand and arm should be doing, and make sure you have a high plant, drive the chest in, and just use the bottom hand/arm for balance, that's really all there is to it. "Elbow is on the inside close to my body ...". Hmm, I've never tried that. I've always just let the elbow of my bottom arm go where it goes naturally. There should be no weight on it, so what does it matter where it is?
Powerplant says it's unimportant, and I do too. I will disagree with him a bit here though, and say that you don't need to dig into the PV Manifesto thread or read Petrov's 1985 speech. This is an Intermediate Technique thread, and some of that stuff is quite advanced. I'm not too sure what PR range you, or the typical "intermediate" is at, other than it's between beginner and advanced. Maybe 1-4 years of vaulting experience?
I do recommend BTB2 (Beginner to Bubka 2nd Edition), though. As the title implies, it's a good read for beginners, intermediates, and elite vaulters/coaches.