does this seem right to you?
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:12 am

the sense i am getting from this image is that they are telling you to pull down with your top hand!?

The Pole Vault Community Online
They illustrate various biomechanical aspects of pole vaulting and were generated from data digitized from videotaped performances at the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona 1992 by the ABAT project.
spike gibeault wrote:the sense i am getting from this image is that they are telling you to pull down with your top hand!?
achtungpv wrote:I believe that's the science behind the Texas Pole Vault Manifesto.
To answer your question, they are not telling you to pull down. That is simply showing what the force exerted by the top hand would be if it were split into two components
golfdane wrote: IOW, just after takeoff, would the hands exert an upward (from the active takeoff) and forward (from the speed of the run-up) going force on the pole.