
This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Unread postby txpolevaulter_k25 » Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:00 am

i have been pole vaulting now for 3 years and just recently my pole keeps on bending (not new) but i throws me off of the mat almost every time, last week i just started getting inverted and going over my top hand i went from 10ft all the way up to 12ft and higher, has anybody else gone through this plz post back

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:39 am

When you start bending more, you can expect a big jump in your PR. Im not sure what you are looking for with this post, but what you are going through sounds very normal. Just dont hold too high, because its better for the pole to be stiff rather than longer at this point.
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Unread postby txpolevaulter_k25 » Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:44 am

i kind of understand what you r saying but i am almost maxing out the pole and i have almost perfect form, it is just something recent that is happening to me, like last week at our meet i cleared 13' easily and them today at our meet i kept on getting shot into to cross bar ( i even had it moved all the way back the first time in my life i had no height but i guess i still have 2 more years of high school to straighten this out)

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:01 am

Thats called blowing through the pole. It means you need a stiffer one. And i dont mean to badger, but elite jumpers dont have almost perfect form- the best high school jumpers in the nation dont nearly have close to perfect form. I dont even think there is such thing as perfect form, because you can always take off harder and swing faster. But anyway, you need a bigger pole. Just remember, there is always room to improve, so dont be satisified with your jump by saying you have perfect form. No one does ;)
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