Little problem had for 2 years

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Little problem had for 2 years

Unread postby Atokad » Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:29 pm

Ive had the problem of my step always being more towards the pit by like a foot then when i just stand there and hold the pole. No matter how much i seem to move my hand grip up or down the pole and how much i move forward or back on the track. I just dont get it, there has to be a way to fix it

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Unread postby achtungpv » Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:34 pm

You need to have a mid mark to be consistent. Without a mid, you are just guessing about how to adjust your run.

You can use this mid mark chart as a starting point:
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Unread postby ifavault » Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:11 am


Do you coach with wooden slide boxes or "towel for a box" pole runs out on the track...and if you do, do you find that a mid mark transfers from these drills accurately to a real runway situation?

A lot of wooden plant box drills I have kids do are from 4-5 lefts, but my higher level kids can go from a full aproach run of 7-8 lefts on their competition length poles and grips allowing the pole to bend some before the box slides. Just wondering if you feel this is a good method to establish a mid mark, or is it better to get in on the runway by trial and error?

Thank you.

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:37 am

when you are towards the pit too much at the plant it is called being "under". If it doesnt matter how much you move your run back, you are still hitting under on your step or mid, that means you are very used to hitting under. This is understandable if you have been doing this for 2 years. It might be a hard habit to break, because the reason so many people take off under consistently is that the pole is in the back of the box before you leave the ground, and it gives you a safety cushion and confidence jumping off the ground. But it also reduces a ton of energy you could have with your take off. I suggest you go to a pop up, and hold low to the point where you can take off before the pole hits the back of the box, and get used to that feeling. Then go to a very short run on a very soft/short pole. The kind you can blow through easily with. Now do the same thing, and get comfortable leaving the ground before the pole hits the back. After you get it right the first time you will realize how much extra energy is created, and you will probably love the results. good luck!
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Unread postby achtungpv » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:59 am

ifavault wrote:achtungpv,

Do you coach with wooden slide boxes or "towel for a box" pole runs out on the track...and if you do, do you find that a mid mark transfers from these drills accurately to a real runway situation?

A lot of wooden plant box drills I have kids do are from 4-5 lefts, but my higher level kids can go from a full aproach run of 7-8 lefts on their competition length poles and grips allowing the pole to bend some before the box slides. Just wondering if you feel this is a good method to establish a mid mark, or is it better to get in on the runway by trial and error?

Thank you.


I like sliding box approaches a lot but I've never created an approach run from a sliding box run. The approach run is always developed by progressively lengthening the run beginning with vaults from 2 steps, then 4 steps, and so on...maxing out grip, height cleared, and good technique before moving back 2 steps. DJ's mid chart is used as the starting point for mid marks.
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